Lakay - Enjoy PeopleTwo aspects of this album are remarkable, and it is the...Dec 13, 2011 / Roberdo
Avalon - Session One EP f...The release sheet speaks about "daytime sound" but I di...Oct 28, 2010 / Roberdo
A. Balter vs. Eitan Reite...The once so mighty label Digital Structures returns as ...Sep 17, 2010 / pr0fane
Hujaboy - The Fact EP (Bi...Modern, independent, ass-kicking. Yes sir, I like it!Sep 13, 2010 / Roberdo
Max Pollyull - Movement O...Dark, deep and in this respect really wasted- this is m...Sep 13, 2010 / Roberdo
Sunytryk - Pure Essence (...One and a half year, that is the time which Thomas Vita...Jul 4, 2010 / Roberdo
Various Artists - Digital...New CD compiled by Easy Riders, and consisting of names...Jul 4, 2010 / pr0fane
Eitan Reiter - Places I M...The first thing that drew my attention to this release ...Jun 4, 2010 / Roberdo
V.A. - Digital Family II ...After listening to this compilation a few times now, I ...May 25, 2010 / Roberdo
California Sunshine - Reb...It really seems like 2010 is the year for comebacks, or...May 22, 2010 / Roberdo
MUTe - Sensimellia (Triba...Matching our rapid and restless times: Here we go with ...May 21, 2010 / Roberdo
Antix - Cavalier (Iboga R...Wow... the freshest Progressive Trance I have heard sin...May 6, 2010 / Roberdo
Peter Gun - Strobe (Triba...Play this album at high volume while wearing only few c...Apr 24, 2010 / Roberdo
Beatkrush - DissolverAlbum review by DJ MindstateApr 1, 2010 / DJ Mindstate
Various Artists - Evoque ...Czech-based label Oxygen Records return with a digital ...Feb 4, 2010 / pr0fane
Protoculture - Premonitio...I have to confess that I did not listen to a Protocultu...Jan 19, 2010 / Roberdo
Kemonoid - Squishy Fish (...Over there at Digital Diamonds, the dudes just lauched ...Dec 6, 2009 / Roberdo
Banco de Gaia - Memories ...Mister Banco de Gaia is back! Well known for his "Magic...Oct 23, 2009 / Roberdo
Mindwave - Escape From Re...After listening to the first bars of this new promo CD,...Oct 23, 2009 / Roberdo
Zen Mechanics & Motion Dr...The UK label Furthur Progressions have released a great...Oct 14, 2009 / pr0fane
Eitan Reiter - Ups & Down...This is one of the tracks I was really looking for: I f...Aug 26, 2009 / Roberdo
Mantik - Hehlerware EP (P...The one or the other might remember these two dudes fro...Aug 26, 2009 / Roberdo
Fearsome Engine - The Fea...Well, this one looks very promising: Psy Trance grandma...Aug 26, 2009 / Roberdo
Switch - I want more (Pho...It was a funny coincidence, how I got aware of this alb...Aug 13, 2009 / Roberdo