V.A. - Digital Family II (Digital Diamonds)

Author: Roberdo
Date: May 25, 2010
Views: 3027

After listening to this compilation a few times now, I am really wondering: Why can this style be heard on second floors on Trance parties only so seldom? I mean, of course: The Techno sounds that are played there by more and more former Progressive DJs definitely include a certain spacey, freaky potential. But only the sound from Digital Diamonds can really be described best as "Psychedelic Techno", creatively crossing the bridges between these two styles.


Digital Family can actually also be described with only two other words: Refreshing different. Without peering at the big Techno or Progressive Trance names of our times, all the producers on this release present their very personal result of the formula "Psychedelic + Techno" : A very mellow, melodic and dreamy take off from Hiroshi Oki, hypnotic bounce, spiced up with both contemporary click'n'clack samples as well as a proper load of weird sound effects and also some dreamy melody from Knifestyle, unexpected rhythm structures and tricky drum patterns by David Laake, a really well-done tribute to Midimiliz by Bitshift or the laid-back and very humorous Gravity Play by the Alic dudes (who run Digital Diamonds) themselves- guys, there is heaps of great stuff to discover on this release! Maybe its not the right thing if you just don't want to attract attention between the DJ playing before you and the next one- better go for the recent Beatport top 10 from their front page then! But if you are looking for some extravagant stuff that might please the Technos as well as the Psychos...erhm Psychedelics: Go for Digital Diamonds!

And you know what is probably the best thing: You don't have to hack „Digital Family II" into your Rapidshare & Co search of choice now - no, just visit the site of the guys and get this excellent release for free, either in MP3 quality, if you are an audiophile one as FLAC files and if you are a real nerd even as WAV!


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