We have a winner!It was a really, really hard decision for the jury... B...May 21, 2008 / RoberdoTrance means for me...... a movie...Apr 25, 2008 / MathiasTrance means for me...dancing together...as a wholeApr 22, 2008 / olliescafeTrance means for me......a special kind of feeling...Apr 22, 2008 / JoiTrance means for me......A poem, a drawingApr 21, 2008 / imaginarioTrance means for me......Electronic music and culture! Apr 21, 2008 / HappydaneTrance means for me......A Family Gathering...Apr 21, 2008 / psygoddessWhat does Trance mean for...Create your own article and win 50 CDs, 2 Tickets for B...Apr 20, 2008 / RoberdoTrance means for me...being so happy and pure like a kid!! :)Apr 19, 2008 / rainbow_child_dTrance means for me..O que dize o psytrance pra mim ?Apr 18, 2008 / tomadismTrance means for me...what is it not?Apr 17, 2008 / haywireTrance means for me......the symbiosis of the mind altering agenda...Apr 16, 2008 / zelnum1Trance means for me ......Unison!Apr 15, 2008 / FlorianTrance means for me...... bringing me back to life after several years of cre...Apr 10, 2008 / labrysintheTrance means for me......Ich habe die Weisheit nicht mit großen Löffeln gef...Apr 9, 2008 / chrisaudioTrance means for me......a nice festival story...Apr 9, 2008 / marvin koalaTrance means for me......commmunication with space!Apr 9, 2008 / spacediver_2Trance means for me......Power of the Mind!Apr 9, 2008 / MOONSUNtrance means for me......connection with ourselves...Apr 9, 2008 / tkaliTrance means for me......Secret Knowledge about Trance...Apr 8, 2008 / omanandaTrance means for me......wearing funny, fluro inflicted clothes at school...Apr 6, 2008 / spyrosTrance means for me......Trance traveling!Apr 5, 2008 / edgar hechTrance means for me......Love and Light!Apr 4, 2008 / flowerfenixTrance means for me......We are one!Apr 4, 2008 / kamakshi