Trance means for me...

Author: spyros
Date: Apr 6, 2008
Views: 2026

...wearing funny, fluro inflicted clothes at school...

What is trance? Trance is Wearing funny, fluo inflicted clothes at school, and

Visualising smiling spirals in your head, Back home, in your bed(trying to sleep) Trance is

Watching the sun slowly rise over a glistening beach...While the drum becomes one with your heartbeat

And you smile thinking:If I had the chance to be anywhere in the world.. Doing anything I could possibly imagine I would choose this, here, now

Trance is

Sharing a smile, a look or a sigh In the middle of a thousand facesAs the dust molecules dance faster than the crowd Over a hot, pulsating dance floor

Kids that became parentsParents that are becoming kids

Talking bollocks And experiencing profound wisdom

Or both at the same time

Trance is The bag that Johnny Depp used to carry around in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Falling instantly in love

Feeling like a ton of bricks was conveniently left on your head while u were sleeping

On Monday

And doing it all over again next weekend#

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