We have a winner!

Author: Roberdo
Date: May 21, 2008
Views: 3022

It was a really, really hard decision for the jury... But finally we have the winners of our big "What does Trance Mean For You?" contest!


At very first we would like to thank everybody who contributed to our contest! We received so many really good contributions that contain a lot of emotion and express very well what Trance can mean for a human. All of you did really great work!


So it was a very hard decision for the jury which consisted of Markku (known from Trancers Guide), Divyan (our India correspondent), Artur (from BOOM tribe), Sam (himself!), Miss J. (from Berlin), Sergi ad Dharma and myself... Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present the winners of the "What does trance mean for you?" contest:


1st prize (50 CDs from Chaishop headquarter): Mathias

2nd prize (2 tickets for BOOM festival 2008): Lizard

3rd prize (a whole box of Ultra Eco papers): Imaginario


Congratulations to the winners and 1000 thanks again to everybody who took part!

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