Supernatural Psy

Whats going on in the scene of Canada?

Author: Gypsy Slippers
Date: Nov 9, 2007
Views: 2699


Supernatural Psy in Canada

Big sky fuses with waking minds and from coast to coast an eclectic Trance culture is evolving with new forms of expression. Winter gatherings host a warm fire of visionary art, prayerformances and late night sweaty beats. Summer festivals celebrate grand wilderness, social freedoms and Life.

There are several festivals held every year, the most famous of which is the Eclipse festival in Montréal. Organised by Quebec crew, Tech Safari, this year’s lineup featured international artists like Wizzy Noise and national DJs from all over the country. Other larger events include Pacific Illumination’s “Shambhala-Portal Stage” in Nelson, British Colombia, Harvest in Toronto, Goa Transmission’s ”Karma” in Vancouver, Katalyst’s “Motion Notion” in Edmonton and Diversity on Texada Island.

As well as the bigger events, the main promoters keeping the scene ignited are Phonolite, Ganesha, Black Light Activists, 7th Harmonic, Shakti, Metamystix, Area 709, Seed of Life, Organix, Deliria and Beats without Borders. Luckily we also have visionary artists creating psy-inducive environments are SPAK, DeJahVu, Deliria, Myth Makers, Ekstais Dance, Luke Brown and Crystal and Spore.

Last year has seen several Canadian producers release Psytrance, Worldbeat and Ambient albums. These include Nuclear Ramjet’s “Mission to Sedna” on Space Port, Adham Shaikh’s “Collectivity” on Sonic Turtle, Anahata’s “The Unmade Sound” from the Etheogenic Label Group and Shen’s “Outlines” on Native State. Interchill have also released a couple of compilations, namely Neerav’s “Gathering the Tribe” and Naasko’s “Arcana”.

When visiting Canada, there are loads of places you can go to find fellow trancers.

Consistent club nights include Amazone at SPAG in Montréal and Organix at Club 23 in Vancouver. Shanti Baba in Toronto, Weeds Café in Calgary, Psychonaut in Montréal and Highlife Records in Vancouver are also great shops to get info from. Canada is a innovative and juicy mecca of psy-bundance; come be entranced by pristine mindscapes and visions of the global village.





  • Vast diverse environment with all four seasons
  • Convenient yet moderately expensive travel
  • Long hot summer days with cold nights (bring a sweater)
  • Hedonistic supplies are easy to find with relaxed enforcement







Gypsy Slippers

Pacific Illumination Nomadic Media

“Peculiar travel plans are dancing lessons from God”



Date: Nov 09, 2007
Text: Gypsy Slippers
Photos: Gypsy Sippers
Taken from: "Trancer's Guide to the Galaxy 2007 magazine"


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