Chaishop Music News 029
Author: cmn
Date: Jun 19, 2006
Views: 3185
Trancers Guide to the Galaxy special feature. The Trancers Guide crew in interview, Dj Mikadho in the mix
Date: June 20, 2006
Chaishop Music News 029
This show is dedicated to the Trancers Guide to the Galaxy magazine and compilation. The compilation is just beeing released and Mat Mushroom, Mikadho, Skunkbeat and talk about the compilation, the magazine and play tracks from it and from previous and possible future releases. The show is moderated by Mikadho, Skunkbeat and It features a morning fullon dj set of DJ Mikadho.
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- [Album/Compilation: Release Title - Artist - Track (Label)]
- Compilation: Trancers Guide to the Galaxy Vol. II - Flowjob - The Asian Persuation (Chaishop Rec.)
- Compilation: Trancers Guide to the Galaxy Vol. II - Pion - Feel Good (Chaishop Rec.)
- Compilation: Trancers Guide to the Galaxy Vol. II - Feuerhake vs. Liquid Soul - Elmazing Vibe (Chaishop Rec.)
- Interview: Mikadho (A&R Chaishop Rec.) & Skunkbeat (Label Manager Chaishop Rec.)
- Interview: Mat Mushroom (Manager mushroom mag) & (Manager
- Unreleased: Atma - The Excorcism of the Spirit
- Unreleased: Desert Dwellers - Higher Sensory Perceptions
- Compilation: Trancers Guide to the Galaxy 2005 - Alternative Control - Sub Marine (YSE)
- Compilation: Trancers Guide to the Galaxy 2005 - Bluetech - Condensation (YSE)
- Compilation: Trancers Guide to the Galaxy Vol. II - Shen - Main Springs (Chaishop Rec.)
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