mushroom magazine community
connected minds and places to be ...
Author: left hands
Date: Jun 26, 2003
Views: 3562
mushroom magazine community
connected minds and places to be ...
connected minds and places to be ...
Third time is a charm. According to this motto we are proud to tell you that we have created a strong and working platform. This is able to feed you with information (-magazine), a meeting-point for debate and exchange (-store) and a virtual shopping mall, that delivers its products even to the far reaches of the planet (-shop).
Arnoldstrasse 47 inside with Maxi-Deko...
It all got a little bit confusing, so we decided to inform you about what's going on with us. In spring 2002 we realized that our cosy little domicile in Hamburg-Ottensen has been too small to be home for a zine, a shop and a mailorder. We where swamped hardly with all the work and the number of smaller and not so small mistakes we made increased rapidly. Unhappy about this we looked for new partners and decided to close down the shop in Arnoldstr. There's only the editorial office left.
Arnoldstrasse with Alita-Decoration
mushroom magazine
Ïthe place where we createÓ
22763 Hamburg
phone +49 (0) 40 398 417- 0
fax: +49 (0) 40 398 417- 50
Ïthe place where we createÓ
22763 Hamburg
phone +49 (0) 40 398 417- 0
fax: +49 (0) 40 398 417- 50
Now it's time to present our new "trance shop". An inviting small shop in Hamburg:
Altonaer Strasse inside/outside
The search for a new location turned out to be a little bit difficult. But then suddenly, like coming from nowhere, the solution came knocking at the front door! The Kish Kush Team (Thorsten and Astrid) where searching for a wider range of products. Since then it is the meeting point for sound-junkies and music-lovers. Due to their experience gained in several years running their shop and having worked at open air parties they are able to give you all information on new releases you want to have. Always without ruffle you can chat with them having a cup of tea or something. In our chaotic-full-on-attack-multitask-mushroom-headquarter this was only possible in a few sacred moments! Astrid takes care of the haute couture for freaks and people with average earnings. She has worldwide connections and always the right outfit for the right occasion. Thorsten is responsible for the musical repertory and enriches it especially through his roots in techno- and club-culture. Feel free to hit the mushroom trance store in the Altonaer Strasse 65.
Altonaer Strasse inside the store
mushroom trance store
Ïthe real shop for visitors in HamburgÓ
co/ Kisch Kusch
Thorsten & Astrid
Altonaer Stra*e 65
20357 Hamburg
fon: 040 - 310 134
fax: 040 - 310 121
Ïthe real shop for visitors in HamburgÓ
co/ Kisch Kusch
Thorsten & Astrid
Altonaer Stra*e 65
20357 Hamburg
fon: 040 - 310 134
fax: 040 - 310 121
The second partner we want to introduce to you is the trance-shop
.the real view on - ÏDJs delightÓ
Since February 2003 cares about the service of mushroom mailorder. The aim is to break through some of the old structures of the music bizz in order to make music available for all and for reasonable prizes. Thomas (also known as Tokyokid) has the plan to bring down the prizes noticeably for records and CDs. At music-lovers can buy their CDs for a price smaller than 15 euros, that means exactly: Nearly all CDs for 13.90. The concept is also interesting for traders and resellers. You can inform yourself by phone or internet on the newest releases, order and get them within three days. This is a worldwide and secure service. At you can browse through about 800 products. Beside of CDs and vinyl it offers a rising number of DVDs, videos and other related stuff and during summer season you can buy presale tickets for the biggest parties. His draft horse in the music business are definitely the big Israeli acts like Infected Mushroom, Astrix, Cosma and others whose music Tokyokid committed himself to when he heard them play during his journeys to Israel. Just to avoid misunderstanding: That is only a small part of's stock. You'll get nearly everything that has to be in a good trance stock.
ÓtokyokidÓ and his trance-shop
The second part of the work at will be the distribution of selected products. This could be an interesting alternative for shops because some of the products are much cheaper than at the classic distributors! He gets most of its product directly from the labels and is being supported by them on his way to lower prizes.
mushroom trance-shop
Ïour virtual online shopÓ
c/o Thomas Keunecke
Promotion & Advertising
Dessauer Stra*e 21
21339 L*neburg
fon: 04131 - 85 99 00
fax: 04131 - 70 76 97
Ïour virtual online shopÓ
c/o Thomas Keunecke
Promotion & Advertising
Dessauer Stra*e 21
21339 L*neburg
fon: 04131 - 85 99 00
fax: 04131 - 70 76 97
taken from
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