Save to Disc Recordings

Hamburg / Germany

Author: liese
Date: Dec 6, 2002
Views: 2491

1. Name of company / motherlabel:
Save to Disc Recordings

2. Location (whereƌre you located?):

3. Labelconcept and -philosophy:
Save to disc stands for Trance, Techno and House, particulary in the current scene-spanning hybrid forms. Our experiences as musicians, DJ and technician obligate us to a straight repertoire, to absolute dancefloor functionality and perfect production quality of our releases.

4. Number of releases up to now:

5. Copies per release (Vinyl / CD):
Top secret

6. Milestones:
- best selling release: Buzzmonx
- releases you consider to be milestones in the labelhistory: Disco Slickers/Magnat, Persica/Electric Tease, DR.DNA.

7. Artist pool:
Buzzmonx, Disco Slickers, DR. DNA, Peak Pilots.

8. Contact:
Save To Disc Recordings
Peter Hollenbach
Zeisstrasse 5
22765 Hamburg/Germany
home: +49 40 3908059
mob: +49 179 2962472

copyright: &
select your vision - mushroom online

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