Ticon at Amager Bio

Denmark Rocks !!!

Author: Flower / Nektar
Date: Jun 19, 2002
Views: 2284

May 19th, 2002 - Text: Flower - Photos: Flower

Ticon is 2 guys (Filip Marberg & Fredrik Gilenholt) from Malmø (Sweden) they have been making electronic music for the past 8 years. They have released one album on Digital Structures called Rewind, and nine 12” on labels as Hadshot, Digital Structures, TIP, Dragonfly, Optimus and Surround Sounds. They also have a bunch of tracks out on various compilations and have been remixing a couple of other artist tracks. They are definitely and big upcoming Swedish trance act with big potentials for the future.

How did u start making trance musik?
We started 9 years ago. I meet Frederik when I was around 15 and he was 17. We partied together, and Frederik was already listening to HardTrance. We soon begin to play with music on and old Amiga 500. Soon we got a better model and started up buying and MC 303 groove box. Since then we just got more and more hardware. We definitely never thought we were going to get as far as we are now. It was just our hoppy, and the all of the sudden it said “swwicthhh” and we were known all over the world.

How did u make contact with a record label?
It started back when son kite (Markus & Sebastian) should start making there own label Digital Structures, Frederik already new them both, and they came to us because they needed new fresh artist ho where making progressive trance, and asked us if we would like to make a track for them. That was the birth of Ticon. And then it just went on with a new 12” on Hadshot and so on. The good thing is that we are not bound to a special label, we are free to release tracks where we want to.

for sure not looking in a mirror


Mona Bona was your first 12” with Ticon then?

Yes and the second one was Deep Fried Cricket. But before Ticon we have been making music under the name Tripticon, totally Goa Fullon Trance at 155 bpm, “laugh”. But Ticon is our main project, and progressive trance our main style.
Where does your inspiration come from?
All our inspiration comes everywhere. We try to make an idée for every track before making it. We get a special idée, or have a great sample, as with “we are the mammoth hunters” there we wanted to create a hunt thought the track, with all the sounds trying to describe a hunt.

The samples u use in “we are the mammoth hunters” where did u get them?
Its Frederik ho screams and speaks the vocals himself, with some effects on it.
What artist do u listen to?
Earlier we listened to a lot of trance, but it’s getting les and les actually. Now we listen to all kinds of things.

Frederik :
My biggest idol is Frank Sinatra, he is cool, and I get a lot of my inspiration from him.
There are no special trance act we are getting inspiration from, there use to be, but we got to keep making new stuff and then we have to look every where, because good inspiration is all over. We can’t get to narrow minded, then we will stop moving and never be able to make something new.
Our new stuff fx is a lot more club minded, closer to progressive house / trance, and our new project “New Disco Science Alliance“ is all club orientated.
You can’t favourite a group, its more tracks that are well made u like, all groups make some lesser good tracks now and then.

mooving & grooving

mooving & grooving
What does the future bring?
We are in the progress of making a new studio right now, and after that we are going to work on a new Ticon album. We have also done lots of new “New disco science alliance” tracks, two 12” that we have signed for “Tight Recordings”, and we have 2 just lying that are not signed yet, and then another one (“oh what!”) on a new label in the mpdqx group (digital structures label group) called “Visual”, that’s going to be released in September.
Now we want to lay low on “New disco science alliance” tracks for a while and waiting for response and then work on the Ticon album instead. Then after that we are going to make more “New disco science alliance” maybe an album if things go well. But we hope to be able someday just to sit in our studio and producing more than playing live. In the trance scene now, you only make money by playing live, that’s why we are getting clubbier in our new project, and then we can make money by making mixes of tracks for others.
Will the new Ticon album be a lot clubbier then?
It’s not meant to be, but we are just moving in that direction so it will get influenced from that. And our “New disco science alliance” project is progressive house with some trance in it, meant for the clubs.
Do you stop producing Ticon after the next album then?
No, we will continue with Ticon, it was what started the hole thing and we cant just end that. It’s Ticon that keeps us going. “New disco science alliance” is just a side project among others. We also have plans about making some more downbeat / lounge music, as with the Ticon track on the new Chillosophy II cd on Digital Structures, but it’s the plan that we are going to have another name for that project.

What do you think of the scene right now? In Scandinavia and in the rest of the world?
In Denmark and Germany its fine, but there are a much bigger market for it in the USA, Mexico and Japan. They want music that are more fullon, and goa style, all the time, no breaks no stuff just fullon.
What about Sweden and the “Ravekommision” (Special cops department for controlling raves)?
There are no scene in Sweden, we have clubs and some Digital Structures nights in Malmø, but its more a club scene than a rave scene. They are only open from 22-03.
Isn’t it difficult for new acts to break thought in Sweden then, when there are no places to play?
No we don’t think so, trance music is global, it’s not like playing Swedish rock or pop where you sing at Swedish, then its only in Sweden you can get out to. With trance we can make a track in Sweden that will get people in Australian to go crazy, that’s because they understand the music. Techno is an international language.
Do you have any musical background?
We can’t play any instruments, we are more producers than musicians, the important thing about dance music is not the melody and instruments it’s the groove. U can get a long way if u can make great grooves.
Are you software or hardware producers?
We use most audio (hardware), not reason or rebirth or anything, but u could do fine with that alone, it’s a whole studio for itself.
What kind of hardware are your favourite?
We actually have 2, a novation nova, and a super nova. We always use a nova in our Ticon tracks
What about drugs and Ticon?
That does not exist, not when we are playing nor working. Yes bear of cause, Green Tuborg always. You can’t go around doing ecstasy when you have to work all week, your mind can’t simply do that. You will have to concentrate, and that you can’t do with drugs. It works when you have no job or is on holiday, but not when working.

What about drugs and Ticon?
That does not exist, not when we are playing nor working. Yes bear of cause, Green Tuborg always. You can’t go around doing ecstasy when you have to work all week, your mind can’t simply do that. You will have to concentrate, and that you can’t do with drugs. It works when you have no job or is on holiday, but not when working.


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