

Author: dj anti
Date: Apr 6, 2002
Views: 2176






b i o g r a p h y



DJ Anti is the man behind the Spiral Trax Label Group and probably
Scandinavia's most respected DJ. His DJ career started in 1990 after
visiting London and its' burgeoning warehouse party scene during "the summer
of love". For a couple of years, he was involved in promoting the most
prolific parties on the Swedish west coast. However, this was something he
gave up when he opened Gothenburg's first specialised dance music record
shop in 1993. Consequently, his international DJ-ing career started to take
As a natural progression, he decided to open up a record label solely
focusing on Scandinavian music and Spiral Trax as a label was born in 1997.
After a couple of years and a number of releases, the "Swedish connection"
had expanded. Thus, it was appropriate to provide artists from outside of
Scandinavia the chance to release on the label. As a result, Spiral Trax
International came to life in 1999. At the same time, the trance scene was
very turbulent with a lot of DJ's searching for inspiration in other styles
of music, like house, techno and drum & bass. The term "progressive trance"
was being widely used to describe what was being played at the time. Since
progressive trance and many Scandinavian artists were being mentioned in the
same sentence, Acid Casualties was created to cater for that sound.
The same year Anti compiled the hugely successful "A progress in trance"
compilation for Transient Records; a milestone in trance history that has
had a great importance in making the Scandinavian trance sound popular all
over the world.
In no time, Anti was getting requests to play from all over the globe.
Eventually, he could no longer combine this with running the record shop and
therefore, saw no other solution than to let it go.
Lately Anti has been a frequent guest at the biggest trance festivals as
well as clubs all over the world. The label has become one of the most
respected and cutting edge in the scene. Artists that released their debut
albums with Spiral Trax, soon saw themselves becoming part of the global
trance elite. Atmos, Noma, Vibrasphere, Human Blue, S-Range and Logic Bomb
all had their breakthrough on the label.
Production wise he was making tracks with artists like Miranda, Katayama,
Human Blue and Atmos in the early days. However, this is something that Anti
has not found enough time to do for the last few years since the labels are
requiring too much of his time. Even though he was involved in remix for a
Swedish folk music group that climbed the Swedish dance chart in 1998. Today
the progressive trance sound is everywhere. To keep evolving, Anti is now
moving into the club scene with Acid Casualties changing its name to ACDC
and focusing on progressive house releases.
Spiral Trax will continue releasing high quality trance and pushing


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