Bishops Confession
Interview with Bishop

Author: Sam
Date: Mar 22, 2007
Views: 2993
Date: 22.03.2007
Text: Katja Turpeinen

S:Hey Bishop how is it going?
B: All good mate
S: Bishop is the label manager of Proton Records, which is a Brazilian label. Brazil has massive party’s theses days and many great artists but only a few labels, why like that?
B: I think we have the biggest scene all over the world right now, and I think that this year will be the year for the Brazilian producers, it’s coming out really good music these days. From Brazil, we have on Proton: V-Storm and Tactical Strike from
Rio, they have a project together called 220V signed on Phantasm Records, InterActive also from Rio de Janeiro and the newest member Waio, from São Paulo. Definitely, the most famous artist in Brazil is Wrecked Machines, already recognized all over the globe, but also some other projects here are doing great music like 2Hi, formed by Dj Marcello Vor and Vibra, Burn n’ Noise, Dizzy Mind, E-Fact (Ex-Spiritual Enhancer), The First Stone, formed by Juarez a.k.a Dj Swarup (the owner of Universo Paralello Festival) and Gustavo from Burn n’ Noise, Orbital Vision, Brain XL (Dj Mack and Gabe from Wrecked Machines), Skulptor, Setherian, Oxyd, Spectral Skunk, Audio-X, Life Style, Puzzle and Mad Hatters.
S: Still there are not many labels in Brazil; do you have an explanation for that?
B: Well Sam, actually I don’t have an explanation. The Brazilian scene in the last 3 years got really huge, I remember that 3 years ago the biggest parties was getting an average of 1000/1500 people and now for example we had 2 weeks ago the 10 years of Xxxpericence special Edition with 30.000 people, one day party man! It’s unbelievable. The scene in Brazil is getting bigger and bigger and in consequence more commercial so because of that, many new producers are starting to develop his music and build their studios. The marketing is growing really fast so im sure new Labels will born in Brazil in the next year. In my case, since I start to like psytrance music and play as a Dj, it was my dream to hv my own label. Two years ago I opened my company and I was the first one to do it, hard job I can tell you. We have other groups trying or working really hard on the label thing, like Spectral Moon Records, based in my city, Belo Horizonte, which release more night time oriented music and is managed by my friend Dj Android; Vagalume Records, based in Brasília, the capital of Brazil and managed by the guys of Universo Paralello; High End from São Paulo, where the concept is to release only Brazilian music. This month will born Wired Music, also from São Paulo, where the concept I believe is similar to my label, mixing the best names on the scene among the best Brazilian music made of, the manager is also a good friend, Cassiano, he is the guy in charge of the only Brazilian online record shop, Soundshop is the name ( From all this companies I said, the two most effective and “in act” right now are Proton Records and Spectral Moon. We already released 2 amazing compilations (v.a – Positive Prototype – 2005 / v.a – HighLights – 2006) and one international album (Alternative Control “Alt + Ctrl”). Spectral already released 1 wonderful compilation with the help of Crystal Matrix and its about to release now in December another smashing comp in collaboration with Nexus-Media from Shift.
S: Cool so things are happening in Brazil. Some more words about your label, why did you start it and what do you want to achieve with it?
B: Well, my dream since the beginning was to build my own label. I’ve been doing everything in Brazil that is related to trance music and when I started, as a Dj, my dream was to create my own artist crew and to release the kind of music I like. So far it’s going very well, not so fast as I planned but im working as hard as I can for make it happen. We released our first cd in 2005, the V.A - Positive Prototype, this year we released Alternative Control debut album and the V.A - “HighLights”, compiled by Dj Matan, part of Sesto Sento and solo project Gataka and myself. This comp has 10 tracks with 18 different projects names. You can find on it killer names like Protoculture, Dino Psaras, Sesto Sento and Talamasca. For the next year we have scheduled 3 Albums and 4 compilations, all following the same quality for more!
S: How is your scene and how are your party’s there?
B: Do you mean in Belo Horizonte? Amazing! You know my city? If not you don’t know what you are missing! It’s a countryside city, big but quiet. It has 4 million people but it’s has one of the best if not the best quality of life in Brazil. We hv no traffic and It´s not “stressy” like São Paolo or Rio, its not dangerous at all I can say. I would never think about move from here, I love this place. About the party’s, well, the scene here is supported by the best people in town, in every party we can see from 18 until 30 years old people, amazing ladies and the best vibes always. We have every kind of party’s, on Wednesdays and Thursdays we got nice underground clubs working with 300/400 people and every weekends there is a big indoor party with 2000 people or a big outdoor party, killer venue and with an average of 2000 to 8000 depending on the location and the line up involved. But the best thing is that we have only one big big party per week, so every organizer know each other and we can plan the future dates with no problem. Here we all work together.
S: That’s great, lets hope it stays like this. My last question is that you also have a live act together with Matan Kadosh from Sesto Sento called Miracle. Can you tell some news about that?
B: Well man, for now we had stop to produce Miracle tracks cause he lives in Israel and I live in Brazil, every week Matan is playing in a different country and I had to reduce playing for a while regarding the label time and work. It’s very difficult to manage a label and also concentrate in my own Dj carrier on the same time. Now I’m totally into the business thing and Matan is still a lot busy with his projects Sesto Sento and Gataka. In the near future probably we will meet again here or somewhere else over the globe, and again we will be able to make a new track, for now the project is like this, no rush, since we are focused in two different ways. So far we did like 4 or 5 tunes, I can almost say that we did one track per season, not even that, hahaha. But it’s very funny to sit in the studio with my bro Matan, we always came up with different and nice ideas. You can also notice that all our tracks are lower bpms then Matan´s usual music. Since he has already two full on projects, it was better try something slower and it worked very good actually…
Text: Katja Turpeinen

S:Hey Bishop how is it going?
B: All good mate
S: Bishop is the label manager of Proton Records, which is a Brazilian label. Brazil has massive party’s theses days and many great artists but only a few labels, why like that?
B: I think we have the biggest scene all over the world right now, and I think that this year will be the year for the Brazilian producers, it’s coming out really good music these days. From Brazil, we have on Proton: V-Storm and Tactical Strike from
Rio, they have a project together called 220V signed on Phantasm Records, InterActive also from Rio de Janeiro and the newest member Waio, from São Paulo. Definitely, the most famous artist in Brazil is Wrecked Machines, already recognized all over the globe, but also some other projects here are doing great music like 2Hi, formed by Dj Marcello Vor and Vibra, Burn n’ Noise, Dizzy Mind, E-Fact (Ex-Spiritual Enhancer), The First Stone, formed by Juarez a.k.a Dj Swarup (the owner of Universo Paralello Festival) and Gustavo from Burn n’ Noise, Orbital Vision, Brain XL (Dj Mack and Gabe from Wrecked Machines), Skulptor, Setherian, Oxyd, Spectral Skunk, Audio-X, Life Style, Puzzle and Mad Hatters.
S: Still there are not many labels in Brazil; do you have an explanation for that?
B: Well Sam, actually I don’t have an explanation. The Brazilian scene in the last 3 years got really huge, I remember that 3 years ago the biggest parties was getting an average of 1000/1500 people and now for example we had 2 weeks ago the 10 years of Xxxpericence special Edition with 30.000 people, one day party man! It’s unbelievable. The scene in Brazil is getting bigger and bigger and in consequence more commercial so because of that, many new producers are starting to develop his music and build their studios. The marketing is growing really fast so im sure new Labels will born in Brazil in the next year. In my case, since I start to like psytrance music and play as a Dj, it was my dream to hv my own label. Two years ago I opened my company and I was the first one to do it, hard job I can tell you. We have other groups trying or working really hard on the label thing, like Spectral Moon Records, based in my city, Belo Horizonte, which release more night time oriented music and is managed by my friend Dj Android; Vagalume Records, based in Brasília, the capital of Brazil and managed by the guys of Universo Paralello; High End from São Paulo, where the concept is to release only Brazilian music. This month will born Wired Music, also from São Paulo, where the concept I believe is similar to my label, mixing the best names on the scene among the best Brazilian music made of, the manager is also a good friend, Cassiano, he is the guy in charge of the only Brazilian online record shop, Soundshop is the name ( From all this companies I said, the two most effective and “in act” right now are Proton Records and Spectral Moon. We already released 2 amazing compilations (v.a – Positive Prototype – 2005 / v.a – HighLights – 2006) and one international album (Alternative Control “Alt + Ctrl”). Spectral already released 1 wonderful compilation with the help of Crystal Matrix and its about to release now in December another smashing comp in collaboration with Nexus-Media from Shift.
S: Cool so things are happening in Brazil. Some more words about your label, why did you start it and what do you want to achieve with it?
B: Well, my dream since the beginning was to build my own label. I’ve been doing everything in Brazil that is related to trance music and when I started, as a Dj, my dream was to create my own artist crew and to release the kind of music I like. So far it’s going very well, not so fast as I planned but im working as hard as I can for make it happen. We released our first cd in 2005, the V.A - Positive Prototype, this year we released Alternative Control debut album and the V.A - “HighLights”, compiled by Dj Matan, part of Sesto Sento and solo project Gataka and myself. This comp has 10 tracks with 18 different projects names. You can find on it killer names like Protoculture, Dino Psaras, Sesto Sento and Talamasca. For the next year we have scheduled 3 Albums and 4 compilations, all following the same quality for more!
S: How is your scene and how are your party’s there?
B: Do you mean in Belo Horizonte? Amazing! You know my city? If not you don’t know what you are missing! It’s a countryside city, big but quiet. It has 4 million people but it’s has one of the best if not the best quality of life in Brazil. We hv no traffic and It´s not “stressy” like São Paolo or Rio, its not dangerous at all I can say. I would never think about move from here, I love this place. About the party’s, well, the scene here is supported by the best people in town, in every party we can see from 18 until 30 years old people, amazing ladies and the best vibes always. We have every kind of party’s, on Wednesdays and Thursdays we got nice underground clubs working with 300/400 people and every weekends there is a big indoor party with 2000 people or a big outdoor party, killer venue and with an average of 2000 to 8000 depending on the location and the line up involved. But the best thing is that we have only one big big party per week, so every organizer know each other and we can plan the future dates with no problem. Here we all work together.
S: That’s great, lets hope it stays like this. My last question is that you also have a live act together with Matan Kadosh from Sesto Sento called Miracle. Can you tell some news about that?
B: Well man, for now we had stop to produce Miracle tracks cause he lives in Israel and I live in Brazil, every week Matan is playing in a different country and I had to reduce playing for a while regarding the label time and work. It’s very difficult to manage a label and also concentrate in my own Dj carrier on the same time. Now I’m totally into the business thing and Matan is still a lot busy with his projects Sesto Sento and Gataka. In the near future probably we will meet again here or somewhere else over the globe, and again we will be able to make a new track, for now the project is like this, no rush, since we are focused in two different ways. So far we did like 4 or 5 tunes, I can almost say that we did one track per season, not even that, hahaha. But it’s very funny to sit in the studio with my bro Matan, we always came up with different and nice ideas. You can also notice that all our tracks are lower bpms then Matan´s usual music. Since he has already two full on projects, it was better try something slower and it worked very good actually…

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