Kagdila Records Portugal

Kagdelicious Vol.1

Author: Juggler
Date: Jan 3, 2005
Views: 3265

VA- Kagdelicious Vol.1
Compiled by Dj Eksco + Shu-Ki Golan
Digital Master by Domestic
- !!! - OUT NOW - !!! -

Promotional Thread
Kagdila Records Portugal proudly presents it’s new release, VA - Kagdelicious Vol.1.

In collaboration with the Portuguese branch for the label we expect to bring new quality artists to the scene as well as some established known artists.

This compilation, as the name itself express, pretends to be one of many delicious Kagdila releases and we expect to blast the dance-floors wherever these tracks roll...

Track list:

1 – Silent Scream – Twist’n’Turns
2 – Khopat – Agni
3 – Prosect – The Club: Revolutions
4 – Echologik – Deep Senses
5 – Menog – Intuitive Chakra remix
6 – Sidhartha – 21 Grams
7 – Quantic Fusion – Parallel Reality
8 – Limbic – Him
9 – N3xu5 – Excalibur
10 – Prosect – Funk Inc.


First of all, I have to give my congratulations to Kagdila Portugal for his first release. When I saw that Kagdila have now a “Portuguese section”, I thought that it would be just to release Portuguese music, but when I took a look on the track list of Kagdelicious, I knew I was wrong…Dj Eksco and Dj Shu-Ki give us a journey that starts in Israel, take us into the Portuguese climates and ends up again in Israel.

Track 1, by Silent Scream (Yogev Abutbul & Ben Elkayam), has an excellent and groovy bass line, and all the track have a melody that is simply beautiful, especially at 2m50sec, we can’t forget her…from time to time we can listen to a girl saying “Destroy” and I think that this music is just for this purpose…destroy the dance floors around the globe :)

Track 2 is done by Khopat (Vasco Miguel Oliveira), one of the most new producers from Portugal, being the first time that he is releasing; this music take us on a more psychedelic way, always with a strong bass line and with a simple but good melody starting at 2m41s that fill up the rest of the track.

Track 3 is another one from a first time producer, Prosect (Andy Yakovlev) and reminds me a bit of funk music, I think that if I have to give a style to this track I name it Funky Trance :) All the music is very alternative, mixing funk, disco, electro all together with psy sounds; in my opinion it’s good to see Israel artists trying to do something different from the Israel trance stereotype, and Prosect do it well :)

Track 4 is from Echologik (Nir Levi) and take us into the full on world…with a powerful kick, the music seems to be “flying” to a wonderful place and we can find this place around the 3m18sec, when the melody that is progressing before simply explodes into a colourful kaleidoscope, that I believe, it’s impossible to describe, just hear! In the rest of the track we can see the melody evolving from colour to colour, finishing in a pacific way, with an Indian touch!

This one is definitely a night sound, it’s from Menog (Daniel Bernardes) and I think it’s the perfect soundtrack to have phantasmagorical visions at night in parties :) The only thing I don’t like much is that is too alike the other sounds that Menog is releasing, his style is unique and good but the tracks are to similar, if you like the other Menog tracks you will like this too.

Track 6 is done by our guest Dj Eksco aka Sidhartha (Nuno Santos); like track 5, is another night masterpiece…very psychedelic sounds always with a hard kick…and from time to time appears a deep sample, all together made a great night track.

Track 7, by Quantic Fusion (Nuno Miguel Rosa & Gonçalo), is like the sunrise, after two deep night tracks here comes one more morning-oriented; this one is more melodic, have a strong bass line (I think almost all the tracks on this compilation have a strong bass line) and have a great melody climax at about 3m15s, just beautiful!

Track 8 is again from a first time producer (Limbic aka Matan Robinzon) and is the first track of the compilation with a guitar riff; is more slow than the others (142 bpm) and it starts with a strong and groovy bass line and some percussion sounds, till 1m23s, when a powerful guitar riff take the track…there could have been some variation of the guitar sound, but it stills sound good; at 3m00s the guitar disappear from the music and gives space to a strong kind of melody, again with the percussion sounds of the start, that goes together till the end.

The nine step is done by N3XU5 (Luis Miguel Lopes) and he gives again an excellent track like all the others that he is releasing…the bass line starts at 1s (very quickly) and it reminds some progressive bass line…after the introduction we start to ear some psy sounds and here we have the assurance that it’s not a progressive music but instead a night storm like the rest of N3XU5 work…we can ear from time to time a sample saying “Excalibur”, who gives the track a medieval feeling…nice one :)

To finish the compilation, we have another track from Prosect, this time he gives to us an excellent down tempo track, always progressing, with some guitar riffs and sounds that can take you on a Far-West journey :)

For me, this compilation was a revelation, I never pay much attention to Kagdila releases but after listen this one I start thinking it’s better to see more closer the past releases from this label, all the tracks on this compilation have great quality and seeing that is done almost by “first releasers acts” we can expect more great music in a near future…I give it 8/10, keep on the good work :)

Pedro Gaspar aka Juggler

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