Igneous Sauria

Thessaloniki / Greece and London / England

Author: left hands
Date: Jun 26, 2003
Views: 3254

Igneous Sauria

Thessaloniki / Greece and London / England

1. Name & age of artist:
Chris Tatitzikidis, 23

2. Home base:
Thessaloniki, Greece and London, England

3. Booking contact:

4. How and when did you start you career?
The first contact with goa/psychedelic trance and in general electronic/computer music happened during studying times. I met up with Kostas Alekoglou (also known as Phacelift) and together started the Magus project. Dived in the studio doing the first track using cubase, a synth, a pair of crappy speakers! We both became crazy about it and soon started collecting gear for making music and partying almost every single weekend! Went on creating more new toons and experimenting with our sound. Simultaneously I was messing with slightly more ´esoterikª sound while Kostas was practicing his dj skills. A little while after Jens from Creamcrop approached us and asked us about making a single with their label. A number of various releases did follow. Also played live around places a bit! These include Denmark, Portugal, UK, Italy, Germ-any, Greece, Brazil, France, etc. There after I concentrated on the Igneous Sauria project making a more techno and slower sound. I had releases on various labels. The first Igneous album is getting ready for release this year with Creamcrop records denmark.

5. What was your biggest smash production?
I would not be able to characterize as big any of my releases.

6. How do you go about producing your music?
First step is making the kick usualy. I will then go on making the bass. Get some sound fx going! Loop it, twist and swirl the knobs and bobs. Record the automation. A break to have some food. Come back continue and tweak, breath, love, lie.

7. What was your most memorable gig? Which would you rather forget?
A party I loved in Brazil, Freakadelic to be more specific. 500 people all having their funky dance! It was nice and chunky. Ios for big man doing his parties was awful ! The funkiest also unrealest parties happen to be where the sun is shining!

8. What are your favourite pieces of gear?
TLA EQ, Yamaha 01v, Lexicon MPX100, Logic, VST Plugins! It is extraordinary what one can do with progies like them.

9. What annoys you / inspires you at the moment?
One thing that feels like filling people up with some energy, especially here is the sunshine. Things that can possibly piss me off have no place to be mentioned here!

10. Any stories you would like to share from the "sex, drugs 'n' rock'n roll" department?
Check out the Great Lebowski, the film from the movies!

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