Trance in Denmark

Guide to Copenhangen

Author: flower
Date: Sep 13, 2002
Views: 1950

Sep 12, 2002 - Text: Flower - Photos: Flower -

Trance guide to Copenhagen
(The capital of Denmark)

First of all where the fuck is Copenhagen?? You see, Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. And Denmark is a small country in northen Europe, mostly know in the trance world for our progressive acts and labels. To name a few there is: Beat Bizzare, Reefer Decree, Koxbox, Orion, Iboga Rec and Creamcrop Rec are some of the best known.

2: Vega

Vega: A great and well respected place.


Lots of the people i have meet and talk with knows this, but they dont know anything about the Danish rave scene.

The biggest proplem with the scene in Denmark is that our country is quite small, the scene around Hamburg is much bigger becouse there in Hamburg lives almost as meny people as in hole Denmark. In Copenhangen there is only around 1 million. Never the less we have a good scene, both undergrund and overgrund, with all the "legal" parties done at clubs or indoor locations, and in the summer there is alot of "illegal" activity going on outdoor.

Vega is one of Copenhagens best concert locations, with concert every weekend with all kinds of music. The place is well know for its great house and trance parties, and some of the best organizer crews use this location. Maya Connection organize most of the trance parties there, its Jean Borealli from Orion, and two local Dj's Omid and Jay. There are alwas quality to find here, but you have to be 21 to get in :o. Room for 1000 people and 100 in the lounge i think.


Map over central Copenhagen

Amager Bio: a look from the stage


At the picture you see a map over central Copenhagen with numbers each showing the location of and importent site in Copenhagen.

1: Fabrikken (The factory)
2: Vega
3: Amager Bio
4: Christiania (Free Town)
5: Charlotte Amalies Bastion
6: Stengade 30

Besides these places we use some doing the summertime for outdoor events. In the wintertime there is usually BAD weather in Denmark, with alot of rain and snow, and freezing temperatures. Not good for outdoor events.

3: Amager Bio

The 3rd of the big indoor locations is amager bio, located in Amager, a part of the city thats on an island. The place usualy is most know to hold psychedelic parties (or more psychedelic as denmark is totally progressive at most parties, real psychedelic parties are very rare). The place holds 1200 people, and have a balkony from where you can look out on ravers and the scene.



1: Fabrikken

Fabrikken or The factory, is a new place in Copenhangen, they havn't had there first real event yet, but its soon to come. Its an old cornsilo at the docks of Copenhagen use to ship corn overseas. Its on the other side of the water, and with no appartments in side, to get there you have to walk or drive, becouse no puplic transportation is going there. There should be room for 1200 people in the main arean and 300 in the chillout / lounge room.

4: Christiania

Copenhagens free town, its a part of the city taken under control by hippies in the early 70'ties, its now run by there own law. The reason why its in my guide is that its the best place to relax, meet fun people, buy joints and mushroom, chill for a beer and stiff like that. Yes a said BUY joints and mushroom, becouse they are legal there :o) *Hurray* Its a place you have to see if you go to Copenhagen, and its one of the biggest turist attractions to, but you can't feel it. There are different musik scenes there, both trance, d'n'b, bub, ragga, hip hop and more are often on the program.

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