Tons of Artists in DENMARK
The complete story about Trance in Denmark

Author: pr0fane
Date: Nov 3, 2005
Views: 2542
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Tons of Artists in DENMARKThe small north-european country Denmark, was one of the first countries to get infected with goatrance in the 90’ies. Parties where happening, and the country also spawned some of the most respected of the first generation of artists, like The Overlords, Koxbox, Psychopod/Saiko-Pod, Jean Borelli (Orion) and Elysium. Even today Denmark is also in the forefront of the musical development, with artists in almost every subgenre to psychedelic trance. Iboga is probably the most well-known label today, and it includes Danish acts like Phony Orphants, Beat Bizarre, Oryx (formerly member of Reefer Decree), True To Nature, Frogacult and DJ’s Emok and Banel. Other Danish progressive acts include names like NASA, Genetic Spin, and Navajo. Parvati is a fairly new label with a strong focus on very psychedelic nighttime music, and last year they released the highly successful debut album from Meteloids and Grapes of Wrath, and other Danish artists in their crew include acts like Insane Behaviour and Jahbo. Other labels include Crotus, Ayahuasca and CreamCrop – The last 2 are closed down today though, but CreamCrop was probably one of the most forward-thinking labels around the millennium, and played a big part in the minimal wave, that took the scene at storm at that time. Some of the old acts like Koxbox, Saiko-Pod, Orion and Elysium (now Elysium Project) are also still around today. Buying trance in Denmark is quite expensive (CD’s cost around 20 Euro), and the two biggest trance-shops are both located in Copenhagen: Conzzept Records and Loud Music. If you are looking for info about upcoming parties these places are definitely also worth a visit. Despite its small population the scene today is very well developed with several parties every weekend, and also somewhat diverse. The style of music varies from popular full on, to progressive house and trance, and – mostly at smaller gatherings – more experimental psychedelic trance. Most parties are concentrated around the capital Copenhagen, where you can find parties almost every weekend, but in the last year there also been a significant increase of parties held on the mainland Jutland (Jylland). Parties vary in size, from the smaller private gatherings, to bigger, more commercial parties with up to 1500 people, attracted with impressive lineups of well-known artists. The biggest parties are held by organizations like Conzzept Records, Audiobahn, Peace Center Corporation, Scientific Sequence and Tribal Gathering, but others include, Tranceport and EMMA. The majority of parties happen indoor, but small, private outdoor gatherings and mini-festivals also happen during summer and some parts of spring – depending on the weather. In general you can say that the first outdoor parties start around May or June, and the last parties are in August, but sometimes – if the weather is nice; September. The psytrance scene in Denmark is actually almost bigger than regular trance and house, and the big Danish psytrance-crowd is generally not very open-minded to new music. The development of the Danish scene therefore seems to be concentrated on more parties – but also more commercial parties.
Date: Nov 3, 2005 LinksTrance communities: Labels: Partyorganisers:
ShopsConzzept Records Loud Music
Authorpr0fane Tracknerd. Writes reviews for (Danish), and on the isratrance forum (English). “Have a good time, all the time” |

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