A shamanic revival...

About the trance scene in Russia

Author: Djane Kaliflower
Date: Oct 9, 2007
Views: 3151

Shamanic revival in Russia

Although the northern wind brought our huge country a cold winter, urban party goers mimic shamanic dancers and know what BPM to use to raise their body temperatures. The deep, tribal sounds of Psy infiltrates people's mind and strikes a dormant chord in the unknown territories of Russia.

Artists like Psybird were the first to share Trance music with the rest of the population and the scene has grown rapidly since. Based mainly in and around Moscow and St. Petersburg, the trance movement has helped our younger generations embrace the basis of the psychedelic culture.

In the northern capital St. Petersburg, the main name to look out for is Anvood from eye sp, whose stunning deco provided a magical environment to Freakout pro’s highly anticipated Goa Gil party last summer. Famous artists like DJ Myst and DJ Orange regularly present a lot of new and interesting music and Samadhi is becoming increasingly popular in the global Trance scene, while newcomers like Red help us believe in a bright future. St. Petersburg borders with Finland and the two communities mix regularly.

This winter, Moscow started holding Trance parties playing different styles of music and promo labels like Synthetic Dreams, Artfreaktion and Reaktor Sound System are famous for inviting well-known international stars to play here. You can also visit parties other parties like "Technikal Freaks" and "Insomnia Records", with its special atmosphere and magical sound from the worldwide known masters of hypnosis: KinDzaDza. This spring there’s new albums coming from two of Moscow’s most regular headliners, CpC and Psykovsky, and amongst the young generation we have: Dissociactive, Fearkiller, Kraft, Furious, Paper Squad, Pantomiman,G-Light , Mindex and others.

Russia is one of the biggest countries in the world and there really is a lot of undiscovered talent. The Russian Psy community understands that politics and international borders can't stop us from uniting. Psytrance is the way of understanding the origins of the universes secrets!






Darya Kuznetsova

(aka DJane Kaliflower)



Date: Oct 09, 2007
Text: DJane Kaliflower
Photos: Djane Kaliflower
Taken from: "Trancer's Guide to the Galaxy 2007 magazine"


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