JIComm / Chaishop needs support

Author: Sam
Date: Apr 26, 2007
Views: 1800

Date: 26.04.2007
Text: Sam

You are obsessed by electronic music and alternative culture. You speak fluent english and act on your own initiative. You think that enjoying work and developing your interests is more important than the size of your car. You are thrilled in working with contacts worldwide in a decentral team of individualists. You wanna take your share in developing a young and flexible company.

If you see yourself here then read on!

We are looking for:

International Salesman (fulltime)
you love to sell
you speak fluent english
the psychedelic & progressive trance scene is your world
you’re fine with working on a commission basis

Chief Editor Chaishop.com (part time)
you write great texts
you speak fluent english
you like to connect with authors and media worldwide
you’re interested in educating the worldwide trance scene

HTML / PHP / MYSQL coder (freelance)
you speak fluent html, php and mysql
you know about ajax and web2.0
you love userfriendly websites
you live more in the net than anywhere else

What is JIComm / Chaishop?

We are a promotion agency and publisher within the alternative electronic music scene. With our website “Chaishop.com” and the magazine “Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy” (in coop with mushroom mag.) we run two of the major media for psychedelic and progressive trance culture. Our promotion agency “Chaishop Media” offers various promotional tools for labels, shops, brands and party organisers within the alternative culture scenes worldwide. Our booking agency handles psychedelic and progressive trance artists. Our shop solution MusicDock serves hundreds of mp3 download shops.

More info:

Send your application as \"International Salesman\" to:
Oscar Castañeda

Send your application as \"Chief Editor Chaishop.com\" or \"HTML / PHP / MYSQL coder\" to:
Thomas Sam Jankowski

Or by post to:
JIComm / Chaishop
Kleiner Schäferkamp 35 b
20357 Hamburg

Your application should include:
CV (incl. photo)
Website (if you have one)
Where do you live?
What’s your job status? How much freetime do you have?
Why do you want to work with us?

Deadline for applications (arrival date):
May 11, 2007

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