Treavor Moontribe

Interview with Treavor from L.A.

Author: Chaishop
Date: May 11, 2006
Views: 6585

who are you, where do you live, (real name, age)?

Treavor Moontribe, born and raised in Los Angeles, currently living in San Francisco

what are you doing when you´re not playing music,
(jobs, other things)?

I am the A & R Manager at INgrooves, the world’s leading Digital Media Publisher and Distributor.
I also promote a weekly in San Francisco and help with Moontribe events in Los Angeles.

how did you come to music, did you play other
instruments/music before you
came to psytrance (roots)?

I started playing guitar at age 12, started a band at 14. We were a Death Metal band, but at the same time
we had an acoustic folk like project before discovering electronic music in 1992. The combination of psychedelic
influence and a desire for a more positive environment led me to finding early Raves in LA and onto Goa Trance in

what is your style, how and when did you come to
trancemusic, to producing,
to your first gigs?

I try to stay away from being locked into one style. The majority of the gigs I play are full on Psy Trance, but I really
enjoy playing Progressive, Acid House, Breaks, Chill out or anything else I find interesting. I started producing electronic
music in 92 and djing in 95. I first starting playing out at my own events which were Moontribe Full Moon Desert Gatherings
in 96. My first really great gigs outside my parties were in Canada where I still play regularly and have quite a dedicated following.

I first discovered trance in 92/93 thru the likes of Man With No Name and a few other early Goa acts. It all really hit home though
in 93 when Eat Static’s Abduction album came out. That album blew me away and I was forever hooked.

what is going on in your local scene?

In San Francisco the psy trance scene is very small and most of the parties promote a very dark and hard sound of psy trance.
There are events on the more eclectic or some would say “Fluffy” side which is more my trip, but for the most part SF is kind
of struggling right now. In LA where I still play regularly, the psy trance scene is very big (1500 people at most events) and really
amazing. I am a resident with Green Sector in LA who does some of the best events in all of California. Check photos and more
at, also Moontribe events are still going on after 13 years and are still a very special and unique experience.

what does trancemusic mean for you, how importand is
trance for you, what
do you use it for?

Trance music to me encompasses many styles of music, it can be anything from psy trance, to hypnotic house music or even
tribal rhythmic music. Any music that can put you in a trance is usually the music that I am drawn to most in life. I feel that
these types of music can be healing and can keep one feeling and looking young. From my experience, the psy trance genre
is the best example of the power of trance inducing music, this genre is very powerful to me and I don’t think I could live without

what do you think about our scene and where do you
think are we going to
(development, future trend)?

I see our scene growing world wide. Even here in the USA this music is growing in popularity. I hope to see
more international scale events in the USA as we have some really beautiful outdoor locations that are
perfect for it. I just hope that our government eases up a bit to allow for such events to thrive here so that
we too as American’s can take part in the ever expanding international trance scene.

what are your releases/events until now,

My best releases are:

AVST – Are You A Dreamer – Appears on Youth’s “Suicide” Compilation on Wakyo/Japan
Desert Dwellers – Higher Sensory Perception Remix – on
Desert Dwellers – Downtemple Dub: Waves – on White Swan Records
Amani Vs Teapot – Wise Man Speaks – on Bedrock Records Chris Fortier compilation
Desert Dwellers – Parabolic and Stellar Dendrites – on Native State Records
Desert Dwellers – Point of Awakening – on Ball Of Waxx Music

Full discography is on

what are your futurities, upcoming releases, upcoming

Future releases:

Desert Dwellers – Downtemple Dub: Flames – on White Swan Records
Desert Dwellers - Acid Monsters – on Desert Trax
Desert Dwellers – Musiki Ukabili – on Ritual Sounds
Desert Dwellers – Higher Sensory Perception/Back To Where We Started on Desert Trax

Upcoming parties:

GIV – Every Sunday – San Francisco
April 1st - Green Sector 6 Year Party – Los Angeles
April 8 – Moontribe, Humboldt County, CA
April 28th-30th – Xara Dulzura Festival, San Diego, CA
May 7th – Howeird St Fair, San Francisco, CA
May 19th- 21st – Moontribe, Los Angeles, CA
June 3rd – Sacred Space, Los Angeles, CA
June 18th – 20th – Moontribe, Los Angeles, CA
July 4 – Green Sector 4th of July Annual, Los Angeles Forest CA
July 7th – 9th – Moontribe, Humboldt County, CA
July 14-16 – Motion Notion Festival, Edmonton Canada
August 11-14 – Shambhala Music Festival, Nelson Salma, British Columbia Canada
August 18th – San Francisco with Pixel
August 28-Sept 4 -Burning Man Festival, Black Rock City, Nevada 2006

what was the best, funniest or strangest experience in
your carreer

So many it’s hard to choose one, but once I played in El Paso, Texas which is a small town bordering Mexico. When
we arrived, we got out of the car in front of a huge line up and when they saw the records, they started chanting “Moontribe,
Moontribe” which was really odd to us being we are a pretty underground group out of LA. The strange part is that these
kids were borderline gangsters who had discovered dance music and Moontribe. They were almost all Latinos and literally
groups of guys all sporting Moontribe logo tattoos on their arms, necks etc. The really strange part is that when I started
Djing, these gangster thugs came to the dj booth and threatened to kick my ass if I didn’t let them take over the decks. This
guy was up in my face calling me names and trying really hard to instigate a fight between us. I was pretty scared and pretty
much backed off, but then all the kids dancing started to notice what was going on and all of a sudden we had dancer gangsters
ready to protect us from the real gangsters and the whole thing was about to get out of control. Luckily security finally figured
out what was going on and got rid of the bad guys. So somehow in a really sketchy border town in Texas, we have a slightly
possessed following and a group of real thugs who probably still want to kick my skinny little ass. Next time I play there, I
will need private security.

ok, that´s it for the first
if there is anything else you want to tell please feel
free to write it down

I would simply like to direct people to a couple of websites to read more about me and my band Desert Dwellers.
Those sites are, and my B2B page
Also labels and artists should check out, which is the current leader for psy trance digital distribution world wide.

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