Dj Akbal


Author: Akbal
Date: Dec 1, 2005
Views: 10219

Date: Dec 1, 2005
Text: Akbal

Artist-name: Dj Akbal. (Turbo Trance Rec.)
Real name: Eveliene van Vroonhoven.
Styles: Psychedelic trance, Chill-out, Dub, Reggae, Tribal House, Break-beats, World-music (Afrikan, Arabe, Latin, Flamenco etc.), Lounge, Dance-hall, Clicks and Cuts, Funk and Soundscapes.

She started playing music at the age of 3, playing several instruments, writing and studying classical music and at the age of 15 she took part in a rock-band.
In between 1994 and the early months in 1997 she formed part of \'\'Acid Productions\'\', a company that throws Techno-events. Than in February 1997 she went to her first psychedelic trance party and this day she knew she wanted to start playing music. One day later she bought her first vinyl\'s.
A few months later she moved to the ELF-building, a famous squad in the city of Amsterdam where 150 artists, musicians and dj\'s lived in a comunity and every week-end they threw a 24-hour party, in which all new art and music was presented. In between April 1997 and May 1998 she plaid in Amsterdam in clubs like: Trance Buddha, Time, ELF and various coffee-shops.The summer of 1998 she spent on Ibiza where she plaid at many of the well-known outdoor-raves. In between November 1998 and August 1999 she fulfilled gigs in London, Germany, Spain, Amsterdam and France. In September 1999 she went to the United Stated for one year Where she plaid at several parties and festivals in Los Angeles, San Francisco and several spots in the desert of California (for example Burning Man 2000).
The summer of 2000 she went back for another season in Ibiza, combined with gigs in Spain and Portugal. In November 2000 she went to Mexico where she plaid for 5 years all over the republic (Mexico City, Vera Cruz, Guadalajara, Tampico, Cancun, Merida, Palenque, Puerto Escondido, Acapulco, Mazatlan, Monterrey, Los Mochis, Morelia, Nuevo Leon, Xalapa, Culiacan, Cuernavaca, Puebla, Toluca, etc.). As well in these years she plaid at a gig in Guatemala.
Since August 2005 back in Amsterdam. At the moment she is preparing her live-act.


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