Haiti Appeal Project CD - Tristan, Younger Brother, Gaudi + More

Author: Triskelemanagement
Date: Apr 3, 2010
Views: 2068

Make a Difference: Support Haiti and purchase this CD! ALL proceeds go to the DEC!

Release date: 16 April 2010

Haiti Appeal Project has been put together by a global community of like-minded electronic music lovers. With this single cause in mind they have pulled together a stunning array of groundbreaking music from the best artists in each genre and are releasing a triple CD ‘Haiti Appeal Project’ spanning techno, trance and down-tempo electronica. For a mere 5 minutes of your life and the cost of a round of drinks you could be contributing to a new school or hospital in devastated Haiti.
Haiti was struck by a devastating earthquake on 12th January 2010 which killed over 230,000 people and has left many more displaced who are currently living in tented shanty towns. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere. Many people have made contributions towards the relief event; however Haiti Appeal Project would like to emphasise that the island still needs our help, and the Haitians should not be forgotten, especially as they approach the rainy season. 

The triple CD will feature mostly exclusive and previously unreleased material. There is also a digital download bundle collection of 38 tracks and 3 exclusive mixes by Gaudi, Shane Gobi & FØRM (Ans & Allaby). The CDs are available to download for just £12.99 from all normal online digital outlets such as Beatport and iTunes with all proceeds going towards the DEC for Haiti Appeal Project. The digital download will be available 9th April 2010 and the physical CD released 16th April, 2010.

We are now taking [b]PRE - ORDERS[/b] for this physical CD. We will be printing a limited edition 1000 and expect this to sell out very quickly. We will be also selling CDs at the London Launch event HERE::   So do expect them to go FAST !!! Get yours now to avoid disappointment!!!

Please buy it! And when you do please do not give the music to other people as that would literally be taking food out of mouths.. get them to buy it too! We're hoping that each of you will pass on this message; get your friends to buy this and pass the message on and so on. Please. It will take 5 minutes of your life and the cost of a round of drinks and if we all do this then we could end up building a school or a hospital or even more.

To hear samples of each of the tracks and to pre-order yours now please see: http://www.haitiappealproject.co.uk/music.html :: HAITI APPEAL PROJECT WEBSITE
Pre-order yours NOW !! please see: http://www.haitiappealproject.co.uk/music.html

Triple CD track listing:


1. Entheogenic – Body Of Light (Sophia Mix)
2. Alan Parsons (feat. Shpongle, Dave Gilmour)- Return To Tunguska
3. HoeHLE – Digital Cave 
4. Friends Electric – Pondlife 
5. The Wave Farmers – Playful Waves 
6. Resonant Dawn – In This Moment 
7. KiloWatts – Remembering Spring
8. Zen Lemonade vs System 7 – Dream Me A River ( Arc of Darkness Dub Mix)
9. 1 Giant Leap – Ta Moko 
10. Antonio Testa – Spiritual Water
11. Eat Static – Bedlamite ** digital only
12. Gaudi & Greg Hunter – Ca$hmere ** digital only


1. Astronivo – Reveal
2. Switchbox - Hit the wrong Button
3. Extrawelt – Fernweh
4. Fiord – Zephyr
5. John Monkman – Player Praia
6. Perfect Stranger - Living in the past (The Medicine Pt. II)
7. 4D - Amped
8.      Saiko-pod – Compassion
9. Minilogue - Little Sisters (D-Nox & Beckers RMX)
10. Indigo Child- The World Is Changed


1. Logica and Zumbi – Sometimes 
2. Warp Technique – Ethic Gradient     
3. Sensient- Cluster F*%k                  
4. Freakulizer – Groove Control  (Burn In Noise Rmx )
5. Dickster - Nutcracker       
6. Tron vs Glitch - Dharma      
7. Avalon vs G-Nome – Funky Voodoo
8. Zen Mechanics – Industry Of Love  (M-Theory Rmx)   
9. 1NTT (Total Eclipse & Tribal Tul) – Organico Maniac 
10. Younger Brother - Psychic Gibbons  (Protoculture Rmx)  

Related Links
Haiti Appeal project | www.haitiappealproject.co.uk |
Organic Records | www.organicrecords.net |
Arabesque Distribution | www.arabesquedistribution.com

For contact with helping PR, sell CDs in your country or general ideas for marketing collaborations:  robin@triskelemanagement.com 


Author: TriskelePR / Date: 19.04.2010 02:38:14

[b]OUT NOW !!![/b]

[b]To ORDER yours now please see: [/b][url=http://www.haitiappealproject.co.uk/music.html]HAITI APPEAL PROJECT WEBSITE[/url]

[b]Get your CDs NOW ![/b]

This special set of 3 CDs will feature mostly exclusive and previously unreleased material. [b]We have only printed 1000 so do expect them to go FAST !!! [/b]Click to order... avoid disappointment!!! You can purchase a Limited Edition CD in eco cardboard packaging direct from our website : [url=http://www.haitiappealproject.co.uk/music.html]HAITI APPEAL PROJECT WEBSITE[/url]
*or at any other online retailer

[b]Digital Download Bundle Online ![/b]

This is a bundle of ALL 30 tracks from the CD as well as 9 additional tunes specially selected for the 3 exclusive bonus mixes by Gaudi, Shane Gobi & FØRM (Ans & Allaby). The CDs are OUT NOW and available to download.

[b]Get it NOW at:[/b]


* To hear all samples in a player click

For contact with helping PR, sell CDs in your country or general ideas for marketing collaborations: [b]We are also looking for other worldwide PR opportunities. [/b]If you can help with an advertisement, banner placement, interview, or sending to your mailing list.. please do contact us HERE [email]robin@triskelemanagement.com[/email] and help. [b]WE NEED YOU TO BE AMAZING !![/b] Spread it on Facebook & Myspace... Twitter it !! BLOG IT !! The more people we tell the more we will raise !!!

Author: Triskelemanagement / Date: 03.04.2010 14:13:02


Right guys .... so we have been really at it collecting some well groovy prizes to RAFFLE. This is another GREAT way to raise some funds....

The raffle will be held at the HAITI APPEAL PROJECT Event on the 9th April, 2010 at 3am. BUT This is open to anyone !

We will make a list and any persons NOT at the event and not able to collect we will post the prizes to the following week.

As there are some SERIOUSLY killer prizes, were assuming some people may want to buy more than one ticket so we have made it easier by offering more for less...

£1 for 1
£4 for 5
£7 for 10

Remember this is ALL for donation, 100% will go back into the fund to go to DEC.



1X Glade
1x Waveform
1x Sunrise
1x Alchemy
1x Solstice Ruigoord NL


2X Glade
2x Waveform
2x Sunrise
2x Alchemy
2x Solstice Ruigoord NL
• More possibly to come


Shpongle - Are You Shpongled
Shpongle - Tales of the Inexpressible
Shpongle - Nothing Lasts... But Nothing is Lost
Shpongle - Ineffable Mysteries from Shpongleland
Shpongle - Live in Concert DVD Roundhouse
Hallucinogen – Twisted
Hallucinogen – Demented
*all the above never played and signed by Simon Posford

Green Nuns of the Revolution - Conflict/Cor (Vinyl) TIP/BlueRoom
Green Nuns of the Revolution - The Afterburner EP (vinyl) Flying Rhino
Green Nuns of the Revolution - The Green Nunions/Ring Of Fire (Eat Static rmx) (vinyl) Flying Rhino
Danny Howells & Dick Trevor – KinkyFunk (Vinyl) Yoshitoshi Recordings [/SIZE]
]*all the above never played and signed by Dick Trevor

A Bottle of Champagne from Club Colosseum

£20 voucher for Digital Downloads at Aboriginal Records download shop http://aboriginalrecordings.ithinkmusic.com/my-store/index.php

NANO CD bundle of 10 releases
Alchemy CD bundle of 10 releases
Liquid CD bundle of 10 releases
Neurobiotic CD bundle of 10 releases
Bom Shanka CD bundle of 6 releases
Interchill CD bundle of 6 releases
2 x Wildthings CD bundle of 5 releases
Interchill CD bundle of 4 releases

8 x 10CD mixed bundles
20 x 5CD mixed bundles

Mixed bundles host a wide range of styles from downtempo to trance, prog to dub. CDs donated from labels such as: Nano, Liquid, Alchemy, Neurobiotic, Exogenic, Transient, Maia, Free Spirit, Hearts Eye, Phar Psyde, Sabretooth, Wampus, Fiin, Space Boogie, Hippie Killer Prod, Pukka Music, Samsara, Vision, Ajana, Sacred Media, Aboriginal, Cosmic Theatre

Tickets will also be available on the night... but you know how it is when you have 4£ left and it is between raffle ticket and that last drink.... at that point reason goes for the drink LOL ;-)
Save yourself the worry of pocket change and go on and GET YOURS NOW !


Cant wait to see you all there !!!!!!



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