Something Sacred in MEXICO

Author: Victor Ezcurdia (Vazik)
Date: Nov 6, 2009
Views: 1929

Can you imagine hundreds of people dancing in rituals at natural locations with the smell of earth, water and plants passing through their bodies? An extraordinary stage; pyramids close to the stars, the moon shining brighter than ever? Drums, teponaxtlis, flutes, and organic musical instruments melting to create something sacred? I’m sure that many of you have thought “This would be the best place to have a party”, if you have ever visited any good pre-Hispanic culture spot. I have heard that so many times.

Unfortunately, this is to close to the impossible, but I am sure that there still is some of this mysticism inside the blood of many Mexicans. There is still this need to dance and to be free accompanied by hypnotic, magical, and mysterious music.

Nearly all successful DJ’s have played in Mexico at least once. Many are here quite often, but you hear so many different stories, if you talk to them: Some have enjoyed it very much, some sadly are not going to come back. The reason being that there are so many different promoters with such divers perspectives of party quality standards. The worst of the matter is to see that some promoters don’t care about the development of a real scene; they only care about their wallets.

It’s hard to find a proper open- air party put on with love and capable to transcend in different ways, like open-air parties should. In my opinion- and I do know as I was involved in it- Radiance Festival was the best open-air party in 2008. Unfortunately, Deliria stopped producing parties now and it is hard to say if there are other promoters that share that perspective right now.

On the other hand, however, it seems like the club and indoor scene is growing day by day. Techno, Progressive, and Minimal are taking over in the big cities. Inconveniently, the government seems more aware of the events every day and it appears to be determined to stop the indoor fun.

Talking about music, I’m really proud of what is going on here. We have great Dj’s and top notch musicians: Odiseo, Ecliptic, Tron, Signal Deluxe, Forza, Hamelin, Lamat, Barak, Jey & Ex, Shove, Sankha, Trancemission, Visua, Saeg, Jabba, to name but a few. Also, labels such as Sounds of Earth, Undergroove, Iboga Mexico, Flow Mexico etc., feed the scene with tunes 100% made in Tacoland.

Trance remains the best, specialized magazine, but you find many other publications relating to the mainstream electronic scene and music production.

Mexico is a special place, I’m sure there are still big things to come from electronic music. Many beautiful things will happen here. So, if you ever have a chance to visit, do not think twice! There will not only be great people, places, and music but an inexplicable essence that you will love, like I do.

Author: sergiaddharma / Date: 07.11.2009 19:02:07

Felicidades, Victor, por el articulo!
hasta pronto :) Boom

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