One Foot Groove

Electric Universe interview and liveset

Author: Roberdo
Date: Mar 18, 2008
Views: 2356

Chaishop Music News presents the One Foot Groove Special - a monthly journey through the world of dark and hard psytrance. Recorded at One Foot Groove studios in Cape Town, South Africa.

Time is ticking... and beats keep running. We are proud to present Chaishop Music News No. 100!

On this months show, we feature an interview with Electric Universe recorded in Chaishop studios by Sam. We then play a few tracks from Electric Universes new album called Burning featuring Chico. We then showcase 2 tracks from the one foot groove artist vault, namely Aggitated and Kut ‘n’ Paste. We also speak about the 3rd birthday party of Swing Music Agency on the 3rd May in Portugal.


Play the Music Review Show - Playlist:

- Electric Universe – “Psycho” Burning 2008
- Electric Universe – “Burning” Burning 2008
- Aggitated – “Robots Attack” One Foot Groove - Unreleased 2008
- Kut ‘n’ Paste – “Can’t Stop” One Foot Groove - Shin Jin Rui (Upcoming Release) 2008

Play the liveset by Electric Universe



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