
Author: Nelio
Date: May 18, 2011
Views: 2642

Apart from fantastic fish stew that you can get in Osijek, one of biggest cultural centers on the far east of the Croatia, this is a city that also pulsates with trance rhythms. Saša Dukić is a vibrant musician who has debuted on Ovinmoon Records under the name PsiloCybian with his stellar album Wry Figments.


What is the story behind your project and name?

At one point I wanted to quit playing in bands simply because I couldn't count on anyone, people missed rehearsals, were lazy and unorganized, played on concerts drunk etc. I decided that I must go on alone, but at that moment I did not know where will my decision take me. By pure chance I heard a recorded Goa dj set, and then I said "that's it", that's what I'm looking for. I didn't know anything about electronic music, but I didn't let that hinder me and here I am today. As for the name of the project "PsiloCybian", I really don't remember how I came to it.  The only criteria was that the name must not have "psy" in it.

How would you define your music style?

I think this question has a different answer for each of my tracks, but the common thread in them is Full on. I love the energy in this style of music, but I also love to combine elements from Goa and Progressive. Recently I started going in a different direction, fading out the "Fullon" from my tracks. Somehow it seemed to me that it was time to try to find myself in something unknown and strange. I recently released a self release on Ektoplazm called PsiloCybian - Funny Farm which embodies my new musical direction.

On which sound elements did you concentrate specially when creating these tunes?

Ugh, this is a difficult question, but I think I always try to provide all the elements equal attention, must admit though that I love melodies so I always have to be careful not to overdo it with them.

From where do you draw most of your inspiration?

Inspiration usually comes from science fiction movies and series but sometimes it comes from unexpected sources, for example I can mention a track from the album "Mary Poppills." This track was made after watching Mary Poppins, a children's film but when you think about it it's psychedelic to the max. Woman who flies with the help of umbrellas,  magically cleans up toys, leads children on trips into pictures - I mean crazy! How not to be inspired. But inspiration doesn't always come from movies, recently I had an image in my head that I simply had to paint and then when I finished the painting I started doing the song. The picture is called Interconnectedness, and its inspired by a quote from a book "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy."

What other musical side projects do you have and can you tell us more about them?

I have a lot of projects on the side but I will single out the most important and dearest to me - a project that Deimos and me established, called Dual Barrel. Recently we had the first major release on Flow Records - a compilation called "Flutter. " Currently we are working full steam ahead on the conceptual album for this project.

Is there any special gear or software you specially like to use recently, and why?

I recently started to extensively use the free plug-ins from Variety of Sound , especially FerricTDS (best saturation plugin that I've heard / used), Density mkII (excellent bus compressor) and epicVerb (i still can't still believe this reverb is free! !). These plugins can be found in my every single project.

What was your biggest achievement as a musician?

Well I don't call them achievements, I like to call them fulfilled and unfulfilled dreams. ;). One of the big dreams I recently fulfilled is the release of my debut album PsiloCybianWry Figments on Ovnimoon Records.

Where can people hear you playing this summer?

I've just returned from a gig in London. I'm playing a lot more this year than the last but nevertheless I won't be playing much at festivals - just two and both are in Croatia. My priority now is to finish college and playing festivals would take away too much time, I believe that next year I'll play a lot more during the summer.

Apart from trance music, what do you do in your life?

Apart from music I've been studying electrical engineering in computer science course, and it is finally about to end; the only thing that's left is my graduate paper. On the fun side I'm a member of the association "Sounds of Nature", which organizes events and parties around my hometown of Osijek.



The new album can be purchased on CD here:

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