Antaris Project 2002

Author: sam
Date: Jul 25, 2002
Views: 2374

The last psychedelic party in Germany still pumping!

Jul 25, 2002 - Text: NandaSam - Photos: Fred, Sam

And the history still happens

Im arrived on the last Saturday 20; second day of Antaris fest; directly from Delhi, India.. and for sure long season with out parties and all the psychedelics rhythms - Any way...

Wow!!! Antaris, beautiful party and beautiful people.

Im felt like in home. I don’t know so much who played… but the vibe around makes me melt. All my respect to the producers. The sound system was perfect, the deco, especially the Mandalas.. beautifully. the location... amazing ground; make happy to all the freakdancers,, like me.

I want to talk especially about the second stage. The Sunday night to Monday morning was beautiful. In the night was to cold and the people was total and complete for the party, full power… good work with line up. I loved it.

In the morning the “ladies morning” wow. All my respect to them. Beautiful butterflies. Shaktipower its wake in up!!!!

The only point but its in all the big parties is.. the GARBAGE.. THE TRASH..
What to do? I think is to simple to give a look around and see all the shit. For me it's a pity. I respect the pachamama (mother earth), I can't simply throw trash on the ground... I don’t know possibly because I come from south america??? I don’t think so. It's one of the big problems what the new economics have. We need to try, start with ourselves. but take time, in other ways we start to forget our dreams, our style of life.

Congratulation for Antaris…
keep it going
Love and respect
Nanda ji
Dreamvibe, Chile

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Amazing Mandala Art by Ananto






The Last Psychedelic Party in Germany

Usually I intended to visit Lovefield this weekend but Lovefield was drowned by the german summer. Maybe luck - so I could visit Antaris, the last psychedelic party in Germany!

Antaris was usually known for the most impressing deco of any party in Germany (or the world?). This was accieved by Avikal. A mastermind in string-art. But this year it was not Avikal anymore doing the deco - a new guy called Ananto took over the job.

Ananto did string art as well but in his own style and vision. It was very harmonic and centered deco basically gaining it's power by mandalas beeing positioned in a circle around the dancefloors. I loved the deco a lot also if Ananto can't (and probably doesn't want to) compete with Avikal.

As usual Antaris had great power, a great soundsystem, a lot of shops and psychedelic music. The setup was amazingly nice with a big street connecting Main and Second Floor. There was no real chill out this time which was sort of a pity.

The weather on friday and saturday was not so perfect but on sunday it got really nice with a mix of sun and clouds and a bit of rain inbetween. Midday a car drove around the parking area spreading news via a loadspeaker: "We got a storm warning of 86 km/h. Please secure your tents!". Wow, a storm warning on a party - never experienced this! We sat in the car and waited for the storm. The main floor was dispatched. We waited one hour, two hours - no storm! How disappointing!

As usual on Antaris people didn't leave by Sunday afternoon and stayed full-on for the night. Energy was very good and the party was pumping. Anyhow I needed some rest to return in the morning when energy was even better although the weather was not. It was raining slightly. People didn't give up but I did leaving this great party monday midday.

Keep on the good work!





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