Generelles Partyverbot in Tirol / General Party Prohibition

Author: TomRom
Date: Jul 24, 2002
Views: 2343

Hallo Fraggles,
hier die neuesten schlimmen Nachrichten über die Szene in Tirol:
nicht nur Wildmoos wurde abgesagt; inzwischen wurde auch das 3Tages-Open-Air in Aldrans vom 2. bis 4. August (Shiva´s 3rd Room - In Loving Memory Of Luis Correia) polizeilich untersagt!!!; überhaupt sind für die Zukunft "Psychedelic Partys" in Tirol verboten!!! (stattdessen gibts halt jetzt NS-Sonnwendfeiern); die Hexenjagd ist also schon in vollem Gange ...
euer tom rom


Shiva´s 3rd room: THE PARTY IS CANCELED!!! In cause of advices (by the police & the major of Aldrans) to us & to the owner of the location its
fact now that we are we NOT allowed to celebrate "PSYCHEDELIC" trance parties!
Nearly every organizer in Tirol has the same troubles like we have!!! We
are very very sad to cancel our memorial party which was dedicated to our
close friend luis (who died in a tragical accident on the 20th of April 2002) &
we are more than disappointed about the stupidness & intolerant minds of
those who forced us to do this!!! A big "Fuck You" Goes Out To Our "New Friends" For Killing Our PSYCHEDELIC Summer plans!!! To stop or cancel parties
which are playing Psytrance is nothing more than fascism & censorship in the hardest way & we can not believe that something like that happens in the year 2002!!! "Thank You Very Much" To The Police & Their Also "Nice"
Major Friends ...Welcome To The New Millenium!!! :(

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