Born in Sweden, may 1976.. I have always been in to electronic music
such as Kraftwerk, Front 242 and Depeche Mode to name but a few, but
also bands such as Pink Floyd..
Started to go to parties in 1993. Then got my hands on a pair of Technics
recordplayers and started to buy records. Played on my first party in
1995 in Sweden, and have been dj:ing ever since then. I have played
on a lot of parties in Sweden, but also in other countries such as Denmark,
Holland, Great Britain, Greece, Switzerland and Thailand..
In 1998 I got to know Weirdo Beardo and we formed a music-project called
"Palombini Power" and made some tunes together, released on
Spiral Trax and Docklands Records.
Two years later I began to collaborate with Noma for the Noma-album
on Spiral Trax.
At the moment I study Graphical Technology at the University i¥n
Borlnge, Dalarna in Sweden.
Produced tunes
with Palombini Power:
-Wormhole (unreleased since the mastertape disapeared.. ) -98
-The Quest for the lost Perkulator (Docklands Records) -98
-Java Junkies (Spiral Trax) -98
with Noma:
-Goons (Spiral Trax) -08 99
-Dooda (Spiral Trax) -04 00
-Choomp (?) - 08 00
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