Psy-xplosion in Austria

The trance scene in austria

Author: Tom Rom
Date: May 31, 2007
Views: 3172

Psy-xplosion in Austria

Austria experienced a real boom in the Psy scene in 2006, mainly due to the big summer festivals that opened the scene to the wider community. Labels, producers and organisers have grown so intensively that it’s hard to get a full overview of the scene, even for real insiders.

2006 was the year when many DJs started out as or revealed themselves to be music producers or started up new labels. After Taliesin, P.S. Otherworld and Kybalion we also have Kajola, Chaostherapy and many others joining the list and there are plenty of new DJ stars like Magenius on the rise too. What's more, Austria has never seen such a shrooming of new organisers and indoor locations, mainly in and around Vienna - which is still the centre of the country’s Psy scene.

Unfortunately, after a tragic disaster in the summer of 2006, Austria’s biggest festival, Sonnenklang, has yet to be confirmed. If it does take place, then it will be the 5th anniversary this year, although there’s a good chance it’ll be different to what it was before. However the big Starseeds Festival of Lebeliebelache and Spirit Base Festival of Goaran will be taking place in 2007 and other highlights will be the traditional free party on May 1st, the 5 day Funnymoon Festival hosted by the Cosmixed Society in July and the new 5 day party R-evolution over the summer solstice.

In 2007, the main regular indoor events in Vienna will be Drachenflug, Apocalyptic Ritual and the new Cosmic Space Disco. Moon.Dancer has sadly finished his career as a party organiser, but you’ll still find other organisers like Fairytales in Weberknecht, Testify in Subzero, the great Sunday Chaizelt in Flex, the new Camera Club of Xela and Digital Kiss’ Goandi. In Salzburg you have Otherland with the Unite Parade and many other events like those of the young Syntax Sense crew and the 24/7-label-parties, while the region of Tirol owes most of its parties to the renowned Mystery World and several others. The list goes on with Klanbewusstsein in upper Austria, Sunshine Explosion in lower Austria and Alchemy in Styria. Supporting our musical events we have the famous Psy VJs Basti and Geko from Psynema, the funny astronaut, Fade X and Sikanda.


  • Austria has an incredible, vivid Psy scene with numerous festivals and parties with lots of international acts scattered around the country playing all kinds of Psy. Party folk are friendly and open-minded.
  • Police raids at parties are very rare and although drugs are illegal, smoking pot is usually tolerated at parties.



Tom Rom, Mushroom Magazine Austria, TTG, promo, media, Goa-newsletter
«Never forget your responsibility to the cosmic community of Gaia»



Date: May 31, 2007
Text: Tom Rom
Photos: Khali, Malex
Taken from: "Trancer's Guide to the Galaxy 2007 magazine"


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