V/A - Erratic Distortion

MMD Records 2006

Author: Stefan Andersson
Date: Jun 30, 2006
Views: 4705

Artist: Various
Title: Erratic Distortion
Label: MMD Records
Catalog: MMDCD002
Format: CD
Released: 2006


01. Lost N Found - Rhytm Machine Stick
02. Phyx - Fall Of Babylon
03. Zion Linguist - Masquerade
04. Hiyarant - Mechanism
05. Multistate - Press Any Key
06. Frozen Ghost - Dr Hooligan
07. The Linguist VS The Cell - The Door
08. Hiyarant - Split
09. S.w.O.R.N - Last Chance
10. Rabdom L - The Hidden Hand

Bla Bla just take me to the godamn Review:

I would say that MMD Records going in a pretty techy, metallic direction and makes a pretty good choice in letting Lost N Found kick it off with this track of his.
This piece pretty much keeps me as a still satisfied when it comes to expectations about Lost N Found. Some pretty original leads in there, which i really noticed. Really good mix with the techy, edgy crazyness. Funny, bassy and filly track. Tune in.


I think its fair to say that this track is in the same period, in the same state of mind, or under the same kind of influence as an another (kinda) recently released Phyx-track, one called Contraband. Unfortunely, I would grade this track Fall Of Babylon to be a bit below the grade of Contraband. Nevertheless, I think its a track completely wordy the letters P-H-Y-X and nothing below it. I hope the dale of Phyx-crazyness will only get peaker and peaker before his solo-album. Looking forward to it, indeed. Anyway, if you are looking forward to a Phyx-track in a not too dark and dramatic theme, this is something u might need to check out in order to be sane again.


If theres any track i gotta describe as minimalistic or mellow, its this track, im afraid...
Anyway, if you like the Laurence-side in this scene, I doubt that you will be dissapointed. However, personally, for me, Its just not fully enough for me to get off on. At least not on my Behringer-sound. A bit dissapointed, but hey. More from the Linguist onwards.


This mood is kinda; \"What the hell is going on, and where is this leading to\". I was really looking forward to listen to something, for me, completely new from the South Africa underground. Its really nice to see some original but with the right attitude, melodies, mixed up with all these crazy techyness. Go into this new concept, with an open mind. Best climax on the CD!!


Its quite nice for me to write this down now, cause i actually heard a Multistate-track, in all its glory and stereo-image, it was my first trance-party so for me, it was something special, and interesting to hear a South African-track.
Anyway. Press Any Key is a track that sets off its own peaks, i would say. Which means; it clearly feels like a dale, as its not full on all the way, but decides very good places to put crazy peaks. Lets call it Mordor, theres some nice areas for u to mellow out and be intreged by that crazy view, but u cant escape those risky peaks ;).
The only thing im a bit dissapointed about is the kick and bass, could need some more bash, in order to make me get off on it.


You know guys? This fella Barry reminds me of Chris aka Shift quiet a lot. U know the good old days when he released more techy, darker stuff. What i found really intreging was that he in the climax, sometimes, like put all these screaming and crispy leads on top of each other, and still managed to find a good way to mix em all so that it actually wasnt blurry to the listener anymore.
And thats what i reckon about Frozen Ghost. If u would like a heavy mental (but not too crazy) psy-sound, and still have a possibility to buy an allready-out-album from this fella, Frozen Ghost is what u will like at this moment.
Bashin drums all the way on full-on mode. Leads screaming at u like a godamn World Cup-mob. And the bassline leaving no room for any kind of mercy or pity. This is the take-no-prisoner-track of this CD.


I can tell pretty fast, that this is a liftoff from the Linguist-track on this cd. For those who doesnt know or who is too blastered to get the meaning of the collabo-name. Its Zion Linguist and Excell. If i would choose a dirty word to describe this tune, i believe i would choose Shitstorm. The mood is really nice, its just too bad that i dont find the bassline too dynamic enough, when it comes to the sound on the synth-wave itself. But hey, tons of stuff making up here. Not too repeative stuff here, which i had my concerns about. It flows on good and its edgy, keeping on to the climax.
I would say it plays in the same league as the last collabo-track from these two goons. Keep on trucking.


Quiet a good idea to put another Hiyarant in here. Better make up for all the compilations where u couldnt find him on ey. Still techy, but something different this time. Makes itself good as a middle-but-towards-end-track as well. Still hard to melt, and techy to the bones. More spooky though, in lack of better words to pinch down the difference.
Something like this, but with more power, would do an excellent ending-track. Also melody-vice. Quiet massive but still, climbing. This far, im a more than satisfied Hiyarant-enthusiastiano.


I would say this is the spot where most of my expectations climbs up while reading the tracklist of this CD. The trio consists of Colin aka Zigganaut, Barry aka Frozen Ghost, and Laurence aka Zion Linguist aka the bloody label manager. Hail to the three!
Seriously though... This is the first time i came in anyway whatsoever close to the real SWORN-experience, as i saw a short video clip from a live act, with this tune on the decks. I thought then, and it struck me when i listened to this retail-version, that this is the only South African-tune that sounds kinda arabic. I hope thee who made the CD will in any way take that as a compliment.
Its heavy as usual and with mental layers it leaves no room for cocky attitude on the dancefloor whatsoever. Stay on track blackjack.
... I asked Laurence the other day what SWORN stands for. And he said that they forgot what.. Would u say:
A; Its too much of a dirty name to put out in the open?
B; Too many letters to remember (hence SWORN)?
C; \"Weed never knows\"?
Keep in mind this is a non-retorical question, you dont need to expect any t-shirts in your mailbox in the future...


Its nice to see finally another Rabdom L-track in the outlet. Last time was from Nexus Media i think, and that was quiet some time ago.
As for my expectations; i expected a bit more. But im for sure satisfied with this tune. It was long time since i heard a new straight solo-tune from the skragg. But I cant really say that im dissapointed on this. Maybe it just dont fit good enough like a \"finnishing-tune\". But it works fairly as one, i would say.

Favorite ones: 1, 4, 5(!), 6(!!), 8, 10

The grade: 7.8/10

Find your creditcard, and go shop it here:
Saikosounds: www.saikosounds.com/english/display_release.asp?id=5720
Psyshop: www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/mmd/mmd1cd002.html
Discobole: www.discobole.gr/product.asp?pid=101481
Juno: www.juno.co.uk/ppps/products/222815-01.htm&highlight=erratic%20distortion
Play: www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/1004670/-/Product.html?searchstring=erratic+distortion
3 AM: www.3am.co.za/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=3135&osCsid=62096c8ee054cb064eabf3ca9e46cc25

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