Chaishop becomes an archive

Author: sam
Date: Nov 2, 2012
Views: 4112

15 years ago Chaishop has been founded. Now it's time to say good bye.

In the past few years our editorial activity went down to a minimum. This is due to the shift in interest of the core crew. Unfortunately we couldn't find anyone serious enough to continue with the tradition that Chaishop has lived for many years. Therefore we close the chapter of Chaishop's active participation in the psychedelic trance scene.


Still we can't just close this website down. It would be an assault to all the great content that was complied during a trance age. Also Chaishop still gets 200 visitors per day. Therefor we decided to keep running Chaishop as an archive as long as we can (considering the involved server costs).


At this point I'd like to send a huge thank you from the heart to all the users of Chaishop that kept us motivated for all this time. I'd like to send big hugs to all the people that participated in content creation and other means having made Chaishop what is is today. I'd like to send big smiles to all the people on the dance floors that enjoyed and enjoy our scene and loaded it with beautiful energy. These years were an amazing phase of my life that I will never forget and that shaped me to what I am today!


Forever yours,

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