DOOF Records

Author: DOOF Records
Date: Sep 17, 2008
Views: 1503

DOOF Records has its roots deep in the underground scene of psychedelic trance. The founders UV and ZIRKIN are here to tell us something about running an independent label and creating insane vibes on the dance floor.

You were a group of artists who asked for independence, so you started a label of your own. How did you do that? Can anyone do that?

Opening a label is easy and anyone can do it, the problem is getting the music out there and actually selling it enough to make it worthwhile. This is almost impossible these days and this is why most new labels close down after one or two releases.

These days it's quite easy to create trance music in a home studio, many of our readers create music themselves.   What tips can you give to our readers in order to upgrade their production quality and professionalize their music

Experience and knowledge are two things that are obtained through time and hard work. You can be super talented and creative but if your sound sucks your track will not do what it was meant to do.  So study and spend time on your sound.

As a label owner you are constantly searching after new talents. What should a beginner artist do in order to be a part of Doof Records?

If you want to be treated seriously send full tracks with high quality (320kbps mp3 files are fine). Always have your email as part of the file name so that the label can find you easily. Keep sending your music to the labels you like even if you don’t hear from them.  We get hundreds of demos and we just can’t email everyone back so we end up contacting only the tracks we like but we listen to everything.

You define Doof as an underground label. What makes it underground and what is the difference between you and other major trance labels?

We are an underground label because we started off as a group organizing underground desert parties with unique and non-commercial music. We try to keep this spirit and release only what we like without commercial considerations.

At the Doof festival, the stage and the decorations were pretty modest and still, the energy on the dance floor was stronger than any high-budget-multi-decorated festival around. How do you create those vibes?

We don’t create the vibe, the music and the crowd does.  We invest time in building a smart line-up that will hold the party high for four days and we have killer artists and happy, friendly people (and a cheap bar…)

Lately you had released U-Recken's and Nitro's cds on Dooflex. What other surprises are you planning for us later this year?

Well, we have a pool of albums in the pipeline from Double R.E.L, Entropy, Rev and Zirkin and also a few interesting compilations with some fresh twisted sounds and new talents from all over the world.


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