Analog Pussy latest adventures

Author: Jiga+ Jinno
Date: Jul 24, 2002
Views: 2418

This Chapter is all about our good and bad adventures in the Trance Roller coster lately -

Open Air in Portugal: the promoter put us in a luxury hotel but something was strange there -
we were the only guests! the woman in the reception was also cleaning & making breakfast.
food was... interesting (how about some pig nipples?), but people were extremely nice & kind.
Party was located in a beautiful field near Lisbon. the police asked to turn the volume down and ppl got pissed off. then, our laptop crashed. when your laptop crashes you just stand on stage like an idiot asking yourself why didnt you take your mom's advice (be industrial engineer).

However, we were well compensated in Essen Germany. magic happens when you dont expect it. the club was crowded and people went mad. it was a mixed ages crowd, some ppl were over 30. DJ Tsuyoshi spinned after us. we've met before on the Solipse festival and i can say 2 things - one, he's still not the nicest person in the world. two - he's still the best DJ in the world.

right now we are working on our 4rth album. for DJ's, musicians & people who are interested in the technical details - read my studio journal here:

week we play in Berlin on the Love Parade. we're probably the only Psy-Trance act in that party amongst Mega Techno/Trance DJ's (Marusha and others). we should have interesting things to report next time!

Jiga+ Jinno
Analog Pussy

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