O.O.O.D - Free Range

Reviewed by Philip Assarson

Author: Philip Assarson
Date: Aug 22, 2007
Views: 1829

Date: 22.08.2007
Text: Philip Assarson

Out Of Our Depth = OOOD
Is the Creative quartette Colin Bennun, Stephen Callaghan, Ramsay Melhuish & Ryokan Potier.
OOODS unique composition of Psychedelic melodic tones, channelorgasmes, funky sway & dubby groove sets down its paws deep into the ground and delivers with full force already from the second track.
OBS! (The first track is an 27sec tickle of low-tech radio humor and Cartoon sound so it doesn’t count if you don’t want to )
Track #2: Free Range intros with a funky rhythm that shpongleishtish rolls into an soft upwards pitch and lands face first into a full on rhythm. Melodic and electric guitar riffalishous and with that special OOOD sound that always gives the listener hopes of more, more and glorious more..
An enormous creational joy & humor runs through the album like a big red yawn thread, -no! –more like a warm barb wire that protects the special OOOD sound from thief’s.
Exactly like Shpongle, OOODs has that unique soul in its songs. When you on the dance floor hear a OOOD song you´ll know it instantly. Genuine OOOD, -OOOOOooohhhhhhhDhhhhh! I got chills and Goosebumps all over thinking how these guys will succeed in their Carrier.
I as an DJ knows when you find those special golden nuggets when you first hear them and I have been given a godly gift.

OOOD – Free Range. Go & buy now and be satisfied, or you don’t deserve ears to hear with (period).

The Zeros score point system doesn’t comply with this one.
I want to give this album a strong 10 pointer with star glitter all over as it classify as an “Instant Classic”.
BUT! – I would like to hear OOOD overcome themselves and deliver even better next time. If possible? Only time can tell.
9 out of 10 bulletholes in the wall. Even if the tenth bullet hit at the exact same place as the ninth did. ;-)

Reviewed by Philip Assarson for Zero Music Magazine.
10 August 2007 Gothenburg Sweden

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