Marijuana march in Moscow and Australia

hundreds arrested

Author: various
Date: May 9, 2007
Views: 2066

More than 100 people were arrested during the annual Mardi Grass weekend festival at Australia\'s cannabis capital, Nimbin, NSW police said.

The northern NSW town\'s 34th Mardi Grass attracted up to 7,000 people for a three-day weekend event but brought with it a raft of arrests for possession of cannabis-laced goods and offensive behaviour.

Two police officers were injured while chasing an offender on foot, requiring surgery for one of the officers.

A roadside police operation and foot patrols resulted in 109 people being arrested, with 50 charged with various offences and 62 cautioned for cannabis possession.

The majority of those charged are alleged to have possessed or supplied a prohibited drug.

Other charges included assault, robbery, stealing, offensive language and conduct, drink driving and driving without a licence or with a cancelled licence.

Police seized 12kg of cake laced with cannabis from a car.

In another incident, police seized 4.2kg of cannabis resin, as well as cookies and muffins containing the drug.

Up to 48 ecstasy pills and a number of LSD tablets were also seized.

One man was taken to hospital after allegedly consuming the drug ice, requiring him to be sedated and re-hydrated.

The festival\'s main purpose is to campaign for the legalisation of cannabis but Richmond local area police commander Bruce Lyons said violence was on the rise.

\"Nimbin is a unique community and despite the best efforts of police, drug dealing and possession does occur,\" Supt Lyons said in a statement.

\"We have noticed that violent and anti-social behaviour has been on the rise in Nimbin in recent years and this has been due to people using harder drugs.\"

\"However, I am encouraged that there was only one charge of assault this year.\"

All those charged over the weekend are due to appear at Lismore Local Court on June 4.

© 2007


Moscow medical marijuana marchers beaten badly by police. May 5, 2007.
One hospitalized.
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