Author: Roberdo
Date: Apr 29, 2011
Views: 1929
The two producer brothers from New Zealand in interview.
Hi there guys. Just to get things started, could you start out with a short introduction about who's behind the ANTIX project?
The infamous Strom Brothers. Barton and Hayden, we've been writing tunes together for the last 11 years.
How did you get into making electronic music?
We became addicted to dance music it was just a natural progression for us to start producing. It wasn't enough just to listen we wanted to get into the nuts and bolts of it all.
You've developed your sound a bit over the years - from the quite deep, progressive trance sound to the tech house sound nowadays. Is it a shift in sound you've made consciously or something that has come naturally?
Natural progression, maturing with the music, changes in taste all brings on the shift in sound.
I guess some people still request that you play some of your older trancier stuff. How do you feel about that?
It don't bother us, if we can, we will play some older stuff, its' hard though because the old sound doesn't really fit with the recent tracks. We've been playing a few retro sets of late, so look out for that.
You've been on the electronic music scene for a long time now. Have you reached a point where you're able to make a living from your music?
Almost, we still have to fill it up with other sound production jobs etc. We are not rich with money but feel very rich in our lifestyle
It's no secret that you're brothers: do you think that it has a special impact on the way you make music?
Yes, I think so, it allows us to express ourselves fully with no holding back, this is sometimes a bad thing but we work through things really quickly.
Let's put focus on your new compilation out soon on IBOGA RECORDS. How did that come about?
Emok asked us. We thought it was a good idea, pretty simple really. It's also nice to compile a bunch of tracks that we'd play in a Dj set, and also quite a few from our very talented friends.
Ok, about the process: Did you have an idea to begin? Perhaps concerning which artists should be on it, the flow of the compilation and the sound/mood?
Our only pre required was that we'd play the track in our Dj set. We've done a Dj mix of the selection and it flows really well. We also wanted to use a few Iboga tracks and tune's that have we've been grooving to of late.
Once again the release is featured on Iboga Records like all of your albums - can you tell about your long relationship with the label?
We've been friends for along time and we've been happy with the work Iboga have been doing for us, so it's a matter of why change when something is working well.
As far as other artists go, who and what are inspiring to you right now?
We've loving the new Maceo Plex album on Crosstown rebels.
Where do you see the sound in "the scene"
I think music generally does big circles on itself, just like fashion things repeat themselves but with a slightly different flavor. All I know is that it just keeps getting better!
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