Aerosol Light Textures

Author: Roberdo
Date: Nov 7, 2009
Views: 4340
A simple technique causes a truely massive effect: The projections of Mr. Aerosol have literally re-structured festivals like Boom or Fusion and clubs like the famous Tresor. But who is the dude behind the slide projectors actually?
Harm / Aerosol Light Textures
After one decade running the artist collective & label Sonic
Fiction in Lüneburg near Hamburg I just moved to Berlin, capital of
Electronic Culture _ without a beach...
Shoe size:
Nose length:
Asking the online nose length calculator i come to the point that my nose is bigger than the average adult nose size - strike!
Main idea of Aerosol:
Aerosol Light Textures enhance rooms of perception with pathes of
light; shining vectors nestle to people, nature and buildings - Well
known things are experienced in new ways by pattern-textures; an
interactive room of sensuous experience arises.
Doing this stuff since:
My friend and co-founder of Sonic Fiction Jan-Torge bought an old slide
projector at the flea-market for party purpose around 2001.
Favourite drink:
Actually sweet stuff like Kirsch Porter & Club Mate Cola that have
fridge-residencies at many "Spaeties" (small shops selling daily needs
24 hours) in Berlin.
The three most important parts of equipment:
Of course the slides, trick lenses & my van
Best experience as a light artist ever:
Artist catering @ Boom Festival 2008 > Ambient Forest Projections
Worst fuckup as a light artist ever:
Gearbox damage before Boom in Germany...
Last phonecall was with:
Stefan aka Painful Dead who just got a damn good tattoo of our Sonic Fiction logo on his wade.
Important steps were:
Starting Applied Cultural Studies in Lüneburg, moving to Villa
Keferstein, being part of the artist collective Sonic Fiction and
illuminating Fusion & Boom Festival
Being a light artist means:
Put up the gear before party starts, have a drink and enjoy the night dancing ;)
I am looking forward for:
Amazing Gigs in countries of Eastern/Southern Europe, Marocco and Tanzania
Shameless self promotion:
All of sudden you get lost in the lightgrids, which are hatching your consciousness and seeming to project the inner state of the world on the outside of our bodies. Euphoria, the loss of time reference, the re-measurement of the moment which is bringing the play of light to mind: Two realities are mixing up, with us, dancing, amidst, our ears bewitched by the sea of sound, whose opalescent rhombuses our eyes can't actually understand, but only construe, interpret, let it affect: The intellect surrenders to the expanded reality. we consign to that magic willingly til the break of dawn.
Shots by:
Andreas Thedens, Laura Redeleit, Christian Behrens, Vicky, Martin Thomas, Alex Trommlit, Roberdo.

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