
Author: Roberdo
Date: Mar 24, 2009
Views: 1800

Read about their teenage music taste, favorite drinks, biggest compliment, worst fuck up and more interesting details!

Which band posters did you have in your room as a teenager?

MARCO SCHERER: My room was covered with Mayday posters and loads of flyers.
MEL: Pierre Brice as Winnetou and a Timetravel poster (Raveparty in Hamburg)

What was the first electronic record you possessed?

MARCO SCHERER: Lunatic Asylum - "Meltdown"
MEL: puh ... when I remember right it was a Knight Force breakbeat vinyl, but I'm not sure.

First experience with producing music (which gear, when)?

MARCO SCHERER: Around 1998 I played around with some music software (called musicmaker by magix) but was bored after some weeks as the demo version was very limited. So I decided to buy my first synthesizer
(Yamaha QS-300, Ravers Babe!) and started collecting some more hardware.
MEL: I started with a game for the Nintendo 64  ;-)  My sound became more reasonable when I met Marco  :)

What was the biggest compliment for you as a musician?

MARCO SCHERER: When my sound touches other peoples hearts.
MEL: When people have memories connected to a track.

What was the best party you played at?

MEL: For sure the Netherlands, especially the parties in Ruigoord.

What was the worst fuck up you experienced as a musician?

MEL: 1. The first days on the island La Gomera (New Years Eve 2009) with an organizer who turned into another person and who left honest artists alone. 2. A planned promotional tour across the Philippines with a disprofit of more than 1.000 Euros ...

Last record you bought?

MARCO SCHERER: Lützenkirchen - "All that Jazz (Popof Remix)"

Which instruments do you play?

MARCO SCHERER: All kinds of Keyboards and electronic gear. No traditional instruments.
MEL: Just an air comb and keyboard.

Favorite drink?

MEL: Yeah, that's what we need!

Favorite production gear resp. software?

MARCO SCHERER: Access Virus, Yamaha RM1x, Steinberg Cubase, Native Instruments Battery, ReFX Nexus, Spectralheads Silverbox.
MEL: Access Virus TI Polar, Steinberg Cubase.

With who did you have your last phonecall?

MEL: Marco.

Any hobbies left beside music?

MARCO SCHERER: Programming Websites and Databases
MEL: I'm a crackpot sportsman  :)


Meller aka Marco Scherer und Dj Mel

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