Ace Ventura - Re:Boot

Album review by Roberdo

Author: Roberdo
Date: Nov 20, 2008
Views: 2198

Actually this release is not a new Ace Ventura album but an extensive collection of remixes. If offers pretty much value for money, 2 CDs are packed with 17 tracks from 17 different artists. This fact promises quite a huge variation of music so I am looking forward for the content of Re:Boot!

As I can already see from the track list, CD 1 features a lot of current top-notch Progressive producers. The very first track is the only one on this release that Ace Ventura did himself, a remix of Perfect Stranger´s “Mornig Blues” During the following tracks I am surprised: The variety is even bigger then I expected it to be! The spectrum reaches from pushing 16th-part-basslines (Zen Mechanics) and the rather dark atmospheres of “Sao Paulo” (Sensient) to very fluffy, bright stompers (Liquid Soul) and classical offbeat tracks (XV Killist). There is no pressure drop on this CD, the production quality is definitely upper class.

The second CD features what a compatriot of Ace Ventura called “Hybrid Style”. Perfect Stranger, the dude who claimed this phrase in an interview recently, is only one of quite some artists who come from the Progressive Trance scene and are now breaking new grounds into other electronic styles. I like this part of Re:Boot very much, its amazing to see how technoid but nevertheless trancy some tracks are. Kicking drums and basslines and not too much minimalism. Rocky delivers the probably most Progressive Trance styled remix, Perfect Stranger again convinces with his unique hybrid production that could gain interest from both Progressive and Techno lovers. Last but not least the last track is a beautiful remix by Bluetech who presents his unique chill-o-sophic style.

All together two thumbs up for this release. While normally artist albums tend to sound pretty homogeneous,  the concept of Re.Boot delivers an entertaining variety of different styles by the many different producers. This concept is even increased by the division into 2 CDs. A remarkable release for both Progressive Trance and Hybrid style lovers!

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