Indian Spirit 5 days OA Festival 2009
Sep 3, 2009 22:00:00 - Sep 7, 2009 12:00:00, Heiligengrabe

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Date: Apr 7, 2009
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Area: Events
Während leider fast alle deutschen Veranstalter sinkende Besucherzahlen zu beklagen haben, erfreute sich die Indian Spirit in den vergangenen Jahren wachsender Beliebtheit und wuchs zu einem immer größeren Event heran. Und das nicht ohne Grund: Ihre anspruchsvolle Gestaltung, die exquisite Musikauswahl und nicht zuletzt das wettermäßig glücklich gewählte Datum machen dieses Festival für ein internationales Publikum zur perfekten Gelegenheit, den Partysommer zu beenden.
Die Kombination aus erstklassiger Veranstaltungstechnik und einem anspruchsvollen Dekorationskonzept mit den ursprünglichen Ideen eines Stammestreffens und schamanischen Rituals: Dies zeichnet die Indian Spirit aus. Bekannt für ihre großartigen Lineups, stehen auch in diesem Jahr einige der derzeit leckersten Acts der Szene auf dem Programm: Liquid Soul, Rocky, Azax Syndrom, Bim, D-Nox und Zombi sind nur ein paar Namen und lassen doch ahnen, wie abwechslungsreich und kurzweilig die Musik sein wird. Für die Freunde von Dark wird es einen extra Floor geben. Wie schon in den Jahren zuvor wird die Dekoration komplett neu gestaltet und es wartet ein fetter Laser und abgefahrene Lichteffekte auf euch. Als letztes großes, internationales Festival bietet die Indian Spirit die perfekte Gelegenheit, noch einmal all die Freunde zu treffen, die du während des Sommers getroffen oder kennen gelernt hast. Und ihr habt von Donnerstag bis Montag ganz entspannt Zeit, zusammen Spaß zu haben!
While most of the German promoters unfortunately had to complain about more and more decreasing visitor numbers, Indian Spirit got more and more popular and grew steadily bigger during the last years. Not without reason: Its sophisticated arrangement, the exquisite selection of music and finally a convenient date concerning the weather made it the perfect opportunity to finish the outdoor season for an international audience.
Combining state-of-the-art event technology and a sophisticated decoration concept with the ancient ideas of a tribal gathering and a shamanic ritual: This is Indian Spirit. Already well known for its excellent lineups, also this year delivers some of the tastiest acts of the scene: Liquid Soul, Rocky, Azax Syndrom, Bim, D-Nox and Zombi are just a few examples and already give you a hint how varied and entertaining the music will be. For those who are fond of Dark there will be an extra floor. Like also the years before there will be a new decoration, a massive laser show and some trippy other lightings. As the last big, international festival in the European summer this is a great possibility to meet all the friends you met and made during the summer for a last time before the winter season. And to have a really relaxed time together this festival already starts on Thursdays and lasts till Monday!
Standanmeldung: Ihr könnt eure Stände bis zum 24. August bei uns registrieren lassen. Alle Anfragen die nach dem 24. August bei uns eintreffen werden nicht mehr bearbeitet !
Stall registrations are exclusively possible till 24th of August.
Mail to Stephan:
please,don´t forget a hammock !! there are preparations to put it in.
weather prooved dancefloor, showers, free camping, water, amazing nature and FREE LOVE !!!
Mushroom Hotline
01805 68747666
Shuttle, more info check
Bahn Bahnhof: Wittstock (Dosse) Bahnhof
train station : Wittstock (Dosse) Bahnhof
Arrival by plane
nearest Airports:
/ Berlin Tegel (TXL)
/ Berlin-Schoenefeld(SXF)
/ Berlin-Tempelhof(THF)
other Airports:
/ Hamburg(HAM)
/ Rostock-Laage(RLG)
/ Hannover(HAJ)
/ Leipzig-Halle(LEJ)
/ Lübeck(LBC)
/ Köln-Bonn(CGN)
/ Frankfurt-Main(FRA)
/ Frankfurt-Hahn(HHN)
/ Munich(MUC)
After arriving to one of these airports you need to go by train to come to Wittstock ( Dosse ) Bahnhof.
Arrival Train Station: Wittstock (Dosse) Bahnhof
Use the Deutsch Bahn to get to your arrival trainstation "Wittstock (Dosse)". The train tickets to Wittstock (Dosse) are not bookable online. You can only purchase your ticket at the conductor in the train. A ticket from Berlin Schoenefeld to Wittstock/Dosse Bahnhof for example should cost a maximum of 11- Euros (one way).
From Airport Berlin Schoenefeld use S-Bahn S9 which is running directly till Berlin Spandau. The S9 is running every 20 minutes.
In Berlin Spandau you have to change into Regional Train to Wittstock (Dosse) which is running ervery hour from 5:16 AM till 8:16 PM.
From Airport Berlin-Tegel you should use Bus X9 to Zoologischer Garten, there you change into Subway No.7 to Berlin-Spandau and from there you change into the Regional Train to Wittstock (Dosse) Bahnhof, which should be also around 11,- Euro (one way)
From Berlin-Spandau the trains will run every hour between 5:16 AM and 08:16 PM . Also you can check and , they offer also different languages.
From trainstation Wittstock (Dosse) Bahnhof we will offer a shuttle service to the festivalarea.
Shuttle Service Indian Spirit Festival 2008
driving Service for: shops, guests, rides to the festival and back to the trainstation, Wittstock (Dosse) Bahnhof
taxi schmidt central
+49(0) 3394712321
»back to toplive
Line up is closed !! please don´t send us any booking requests !
Audiomatic ( Spin Twist/Germany )
Azax Syndrom ( 3D Vision/Israel )
Basic ( BNE/Israel )
DayDin ( Spin Twist/Germany )
Dejavoo ( Transient/UK )
Dualsnug ( Blue Tunes/Swiss )
Earsugar ( Iboga/Swiss )
Fabio ( Blue Tunes/Germany )
Galactika ( Blue Tunes/Germany )
Hyperion ( Shivlink/Germany )
Insane Creation ( Domo/Swiss )
Liquid Soul ( Iboga/Swiss )
Mad Contrabender ( Midijum/NL )
Magic Sun ( Area51/Germany )
Neelix ( Spin Twist/Germany )
Penta ( Auraquake/Portual )
Prahlad ( Millennium/Germany )
Rocky ( Chemical Crew/Israel )
Slackjoint ( YSE/Germany )
Slider ( Noya/Israel )
Sun Project ( Sun Project/Germany )
Symphonix ( Blue Tunes/Germany )
Tulk ( Milennium/Germany )
Vaishiyas ( Spin Twist/Germany )
2nd Circle ( Multiplexx rec./Germany )
Audiomatic (Spin Twist/Germany)
Bakke (Spiral Trax/Sweden)
Benny Risher (BNE/Israel)
Bim (Iono/Germany)
Chriss (Fullmoon/Germany)
Creator (Interzone/Swiss)
DJanes Aliye Kimi (YSE/Germany)
D-Nox (Sprout/Germany)
Dj Markayn (MK Records/Italy)
DJ Trang (Lazer/NL)
Djane Kiba (Monsuun/Germany)
Djane Melburn (Germany)
Fabio (Blue Tunes/Germany)
Guy Salama (Hommega/Israel)
Intellifex (Spin Twist/Germany)
Konstantin (Spiritual Healing/Germany)
Koszki (Blue Tunes/Germany)
Kristian (Transient/UK)
Magical (Spin Twist/Germany)
Mape (YSE/Germany)
Martin (Mikrokosmos/Swiss)
Montagu & Golkonda (Blue Tunes/Germany)
Nis (Demark)
Redeem (Purple Snow/Belgium)
Roberdo (
Roam (Tranceexplorer/Russia)
Starsky (Substical/Germany)
Syncron (Indian Spirit/Germany)
Tulla (Millennium/Germany)
WeaselSon (Germany)
Zombi (Blue Tunes/Israel)
Zosma (Spin Twist/Germany)
Dark Floor
Axis Mundi ( Scared Evil rec./USA )
Antagon ( Interzone p.a./ 2to6 rec./Germany )
DARK Whisper ( Alice-D / Shaman Films rec. / HSS rec./Italy )
Gorump Peyya ( Technical Freaks rec./ FYROM (Former Yugoslavia Republic Of Macedonia)
Psytronic ( Mutliplex rec./Germany )
Psychoz (Avatar rec./Germany )
Schatzhauser ( Multiplex rec./Germany )
Dark Floor
Algiz ( Multiplex rec./Germany )
Abbralabim ( Discovalley rec./Germany )
Brain Attack ( Head of Amnesiecrew/Germany )
Cannibal Crow ( Psycrowdelica / Mind Expansion rec./Germany )
Chinaski ( Psydonym Media/Germany )
Chesper ( Lunaoptics/Germany )
CoRiOuS ( Lycantrop rec./Germany )
Dj Ant ( Mind Expansion rec./Germany )
Merry ( Mind Expansion rec./Germany )
Myrkabah ( Lycantrop rec./USA )
Marok ( Dark-Magic Story/Germany )
Micha ( Multiplex rec./Germany )
Neuronom ( Marburg Virus/Germany )
Psychoz (avatar rec./Germany )
Somadelic ( Lycantrop rec./USA )
Marcel Lichtraum
Partyprojekt Odyssee
Jeevan Mukti
Waktu Loopa
Soiled Pants
Jeevan Mukti
»back to topdeco:
Avalon Gnoms
01805 68747666
»back to topHeiligengrabe
16909 Heiligengrabe
location: highway A24 Hamburg / Berlin - Exit Heiligengrabe - go straight through Heiligengrabe. continue direction Heiligengrabe / Pritzwalk. Heiligengrabe, follow the signs

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