Jun 27, 2009 18:00:00 - Jun 28, 2009 03:00:00, Alcorcón - Madrid

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Date: Apr 7, 2009
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Area: Events
In it for ART & CREATIVITY at the next edition of the Beat Da Street Project 2008:
- 13 LUNAS from Madrid -
The collaboration of Organization 13 Lunas of Spain includes spreading information on the Mayan culture and their calendar on the day of the event and by organizing a workshop on Mayan culture at night when the party takes place.
- AIAM PROJECT from Madrid -
A.I.A.M. Project are independent artists who will support the Beat Da Sreet Project 2008 by promoting the event in different online and offline art, fashion and music magazines around the world.
One of the artists working for this label, SUM SINDHU, will be giving a DJ performance at Alcorcón... Get ready for it!
- AL ANDALUS FESTIVAL - at the south of Spain: CÁDIZ -
This 5 day long festival includes over 20 live DJ acts including Andromeda, Ibojima and Spanish Quantica. Hol Baumann will be at the chil out zone,... They offer a complete festival with workshops, exhibitions and cinema, ...
More info about one of the few festivals (if not the only one) on Spanish level with real good taste at
- ALTER CONSCIENS from Madrid -
Alter Consciens is a Spanish e-magazine about psychedelic substances and culture, with contents about drugs, mind-trips and shamanism, as well as the culture related to modified states of consciousness.
The magazine will collaborate with the event by publishing an article about the Beat Da Street Project.
- CÁMARA ABIERTA - RTVE - Spanish television -
Spanish TV station TVE will show a video made by Colectivo Mithology to inform people about this event and its collaborations.
- CAN'T BELIEVE IT! from Madrid -
Spanish fashion and art label Cant Believe It! already participated at last years edition and will be coming back along with a group of theatre students from Madrid, to collaborate with the Beat Da Street Project with a live street performance using recycled material.
- COSMICA BOOKINGS from Israel -
Susana Alarcon, known in the psy music scene as Cosmic Sun, used to be the creative manager for the trance music label Spliff Music. She now runs the Cosmica Booking Agency in Israel and will support the Beat Da Street Project 2008 by sending information on the Israel psytrance scene to be handed out on the day of the event in exchange for publicity on the event in Israel.
- DUCK - Belgium
Alcorcón and Aluche Graffiti Crew - Madrid
Entik Graffiti Store, Yourlife-Clothing, One Love Skate Shop - Madrid -
One of Belgiums finest graffiti writers "Duck," will represent the graffiti part on the next Da Street Project by painting the truck decoration, along with the main underground Alcorcón graffiti scene and with the help of graffiti shop Entik, Street Wear designer YourLife and Skate Shop One Love and their painting crews.
All of them will paint images on the day of the event related to the Mayan culture, to cyber wear and the psychedelic trance scene. The result will be exposed and used as decoration at night when the party takes place.
Explosión Musical and Radio Rivas are local radio stations, and will promote the event on air.
This magazine will support the event by publishing an article on the project in their summer issue. Check out on the web:
- HANGED DOLL from Madrid
Hanged Doll is one of the cloth designers in Madrid that will represent the cyber wear community at the event. They will use the streets of Madrid as a catwalk for all cyber people from around the world during the day and will also expose their cyber wear collection at the party at night.
Kate Technodolly, cyber gothic and festival wear designer, will also collaborate with Beat Da Street Project 2008 by promoting the event in England.
Web-home of Madrid's nº1 English-language magazine where you can find articles from each month's magazine and all sorts of useful info about Madrid, from job offers and hostal listings, to nightlife guides and restaurant reviews. You can also place a classified ad or download a back issue to read :
- KAIROO RECORDS from Belgium -
Belgian trance label Kairoo Records has already confirmed their collaboration with the Beat Da Street Project 2008. Lani will support the event by giving a live rock and roll trance performance with guitar, keyboard, electronic drums and samples.
Leather Energy Stone is a Brazilian trance-wear designer who will collaborate with the event by exposing their collection during the evening party.
- LEOPARTDTRON from Madrid -
Trance collective Leopardtron will also collaborate with the Beat Da Street Project 2008 with translations of the web page and a Live DJ set at the party at night.
- MARIO AGREDA from Madrid -
Mario Agreda, director and script writer of documentaries with Kolla origins and militant in the indian movement Abya Yala, will present his video on Mayan culture, Mayas - Thinkers of Time at the event after the street parade.
- MUSHROOM MAGAZINE from Germany -
Do we need to explain who they are? Support through an article in the summer issue.
- TRANCEBOOKINGS from Belgium -
Trancebookings offers party organisers throughout the world a complete solution for artist bookings, visual performance and decor artists and a service that covers everything from their travel to promotional media.
They collaborate with the project with help in promotion of the event and to inform the public about some of their artists.
- TRIKOMADELIC from Barcelona -
This full- on trance collective will collaborate by spreading the word about the project in the north of Spain.
- WENDY TRIP COLOURS from Madrid -
This self taught Spanish painter, decorator, graffiti artist and performer will be giving a live street performance on the Beat Da Street Project 2008 called El Bazaar Móvil de la Señorita Psichodelia and will be decorating the party at night.
Please check out our Myspace pages to see the pictures and some videos to get in the mood ... for more trance and roll!
Madrid welcomes you to Beat Da Streets with us and all of us collaborating with the project will be thankful for you being there with us to make the trance scene grow.
Drop us a line if interested in collaborating through email:
or by sending us a message to:
Hasta pronto!
»back to toplive
- Krumelur (Zenon Records - Trancebookings)
Listen to his intelligent manipulation:
- Lani (Kairoo Records)
See videos - both uplifting & elegant:
Lani Live Video:
"Call it what you want " - we call it lovely:
- Leopardtron (Cyberflux Recordings)
Spanish dark goa trance collective with a clever balance between being a bunch of crazy motherfuckers and humanity's biggest challenge. Listen to "Welcome Professor", 4th track on Polimerization:
- DJ Kairon (Kairoo Records)
Next video shows the closing down of a "non legal GOA party" on television, we should not allow this. Our respect towards one of the most important promotors of trance parties in Belgium, Sven Luyten:
- Sum Sindhu (AIAM Project)
One of the finest DJ's on Spanish level. Find more about his work on
More artists tba.
»back to topLocation
»back to topAlcorcón - Madrid
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