The Synergy Project
Oct 16, 2004 10:00:00 - Oct 17, 2004 08:00:00

Date: Oct 1, 2004
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Area: Events
"A human being is part of the Whole...
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated
from the rest...a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion
is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to
affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves
from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living
creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve
this completely, but the striving for such achievement is, in itself,
a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security"
Albert Einstein
After a successful summer in the festival fields, the Synergy crew are re-uniting for their first event of the winter season, to be held once again at the SEOne Club in London Bridge. Having laid a solid foundation over the 6 events since its launch in March 2003, Synergy is now looking to delve deeper into one of its core aims - that of harnessing the power of creative media to communicate on issues relating to environmental protection, sustainable development, social justice and ethical living – all set within an empowering and positive framework of celebration and optimism. With this in mind, the October event has been planned to coincide with the European Social Forum (ESF) – a gathering of activists from across the continent meeting to discuss alternatives to the alienation and injustice of consumerist capitalism and the war on terror.
Synergy is therefore delighted that many of the art-activists visiting London for the ESF will be exhibiting and performing at the event, complementing the diverse mix of media to which Synergy regulars have become accustomed.
The ESF is a giant gathering for everyone opposed to war, racism & corporate power, everyone who wants to see global justice, workers' rights and a sustainable society. The ESF emerged from the spectacular success of the World Social Forum which opened in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2001. Its first two gatherings in Florence (2002) and Paris (2003) attracted over 50,000 participants from across Europe and beyond. It is a chance for people from around the world
to come together to engage in debate, organise action and build networks to strengthen our movement.
The key themes of the Forum are:
* War and peace
* Democracy and fundamental rights
* Social justice and solidarity against privatisation
* Corporate globalisation and global justice
* Against racism, discrimination and the far right
* Environmental crisis and sustainable society
This year’s ESF in London will bring together thousands of people fromacross the UK, Europe and the world and is an unmissable event for everyone who wants to see a better world.
The Synergy Project will offer reduced entry at £8 for all ESF ticket holders! Find out more about this amazing happening @
By once again rotating the hosting of each of the 5 rooms, Synergy will also be honouring the maxim that every event is different and thereby avoiding the stagnation of the formulaic commercialism of main-stream club-land.
Interspersed throughout the five rooms will be a wide variety of whole-food cafes, info stalls from campaign groups and NGOs, jugglers and street performers, all encompassed by some of the friendliest community vibes in the capital.
Synergy is a community event – organised and hosted by artists, activists, healers and cooks – that seeks to empower people through creative participation. We therefore welcome proposals and contributions from all sections of the community. For more info please co
»back to topthe synergy project is an amazing project that finally puts some substance to a lot of the spiritual rethoric of the trance culture by combining cutting edge multi media with those working leading NGOs and charities : have a look what we have for you
In the mainroom:
Liquid Connective and Tribe of Frog, two of the UK's most vibrant under-
ground organizations, unite forces in true synergy to create a unique
celebration through dance and trance, visuals and performances plus much
more for an experience of holistic bliss. Combining the best of both worlds
the aim is to activate all our senses for a thorough immersion in the Indigo
light of wisdom.
Chromosome LIVE (turbotrance Sweden)
Tron LIVE UK debut (Liquid Records Mexico)
Organismic LIVE (Liquid Records)
Kana (Japan)
Geo and Natzan (Tribe of Frog)
Liquid Ross and Liquid Djems
with a Back2Front AVset (Liquid Records)
psychedelic decorators:
Tribe of Frog, Liquid Drops and Fopunkt
visual instigators:
Umma, Billy, Elestral, EVP
& Deliberate Animations!
And lots more performers on the night!
Also at the next event: IDSpiral return to their roots and present their own unique recipe for a truly inspiring psychedelic chillout -
a deeply soothing and yet invigorating journey though
the arts - filled with melting grooves, performances
from around the world, visuals to open your chakras,
speakers and films from various campaigns to feed our
minds and souls and loads loads more ...
Abakus - keeping the summer spirit alive
Slack Baba LIVE - funky upbeat tripadelica (Liquid Rec)
Manushi - Kathak Dance Performance for Peace
Visuals & Installations by Frolic
The magical journey of the spiraling shadow performance
Naked Nick - going with the flow
Isago, me - visual exposure, dance performance
Ali - full flavor psychedlic soundscapes
Celestial - audio visual awakening
Capoeira Uniao - Brazilian martial arts performance
Paradox - the intergalactic wordsmith
Animation by Pinknruby
Tantric Visuals by Billy Tantric
All this is set within the renown IDSpiral wonderland,
sculptures, 3D deco and plenty of white canvas to let
your imagination run wild. For a little reminder – IDSpiral were responsible for the deco in the chill out at this year’s Glade festival!
Digital Photo Exhibition ‘my voice my life’ by Marcella
Hadad celebrating the lives of people in Bangladesh,
Mexico and Brazil
And as always the Spiral Cafe will be there to look
after your most basic or culinary requirements
We are also grateful to have the wonderful Small World Stage back with us
This UK’s unique live music outfit joins
the Synergy Project in its ambitious task
to induce the spirit of the great outdoor
festival world to the center of London!
Expect the finest from folk to funk, acoustic bliss to upbeat rhythms, all woven
together delicately by the sensitive Small World crew to create those moments
of pure magic that occur between an audience in awe and the performers in
their deepest elements - to find out who will be creating those highly
anticipated vibes check in here again shortly and we will let you know!
In the Cinematic Gallery
Witness the amazing " how the ***k did they
pull that off on £1,200 and
a banana" show.
Once again the intrepid RGB LIVE PSINEMA crew deftly defy obscurity and
derision to bring you a metamorphic spectacular that sneaks into your
comfort zone and ruffles your feathers. Speech, song, vinyl and video vie
for your attention and the opportunity to holler in your ear of liberty & dissent.
Tickling your fancy and pricking your concience will be:
Whatsername,kitchen sink drama queen
Yap the ranters ranter
1001 Arabian eyes - ‘theatre of war’ from G86B
Sheena Salmon, reactionary anarchist youth worker
Dr Stewart providing a dodgy second opinion
& as ever addled host Precious, slightly damaged.
Plus others to be confirmed as you are reading this!
Further confusing the issue are Bonnie and Clyde of the Earshot cinema,
films and theatre from the European Social Forum and shorts from Under-
currents news net work who will as usual be tangling the party line.
All this plus cute usherettes and a tasty cafe carefully conspire to manipulate
your evenings entertainment ensuring a rich and varied selection of sub-
version for your delectation and delight.
And this time in Deep Blue – for an even deeper chilled experience:
Sangita Sound
Providing a space to enjoy the music of our earth.
Across the continents, our brothers and sisters sing
the song of existence, instruments are plucked and
strummed, drums are beaten and the heartbeat of
humanity resounds. For the past 4 years the Sangita
Sound Studio has been working with indigenous,
classical and folk musicians from India, Iran, Morocco
and Australia to capture some of this magic in sound,
and now the time has come to share our sonic adven-
tures. Our commitment is to create a space and sound
for the exploration and enjoyment of sensual and
spiritual de-lights.
Ancient future grooves for the conscious explorer.
GNAWA - featuring Boujemaa, Aziz & Mustapha-Moroccan trance remix
FARSHAD MOHAMMADI - classical Persian ambience
BINDOO BABAS -sanskrit mantras and bhajans
LUMIERE (Live PA) - morphological spacious grooves
COSMIC JAM - starring YOU so bring your instrument :-)
Visionary Art and Backdrops by DUBGIPSY
Vaastu by Narottam
Yantra Meditation space with the Planetary Healers offering a
wide selection of alternative practises and techniques for a truly
healing and relaxing experience!
More info on the Healing Space to be announced soon!
As always we will collaborate with a large number of NGO’s and charities to enhance our nightly activities with as much meaningfulness as we can handle, brought to us by activists and those who care from a hugely diverse number of organizations.
We will hear about why we need to help the Venezuela government so stand ups strong against the US and other pressures (Hands of Venezuela Campaign), how giving your old bike to ‘Re-cycle’ can make a difference for someone in the developing world and how you can help support healthcare in countries like Burma ( to name just a few!
All this set in one of London’s most diverse clubs (now with wooden floor in the main room) with festival cafes and loads of stalls and as ever (we trust) one of London’s most diverse and beautiful crowds!
We hope to see you there
The Synergy Crew
»back to topdeco:
tribe of frog
liquid connective
sangita sounds
small world
and loads more
£15/£10 concession
0044-7970-835 274
»back to topWeston Street

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