United Kingdom  Purple Phaze

Mar 15, 2003 - Mar 16, 2003, Central london

Date: Mar 7, 2003
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Area: Events

Purple Phaze .... Saturday 15th March

Shua invites you to an enchanted evening of discovery and remembrance!
Like all the divinity in this world and the good charm trance branch comes to us on Sat 15th March to take us onto a pilgrimage to save our world...
Yes a journey for peace and for discovering the lost sacredness in our world!
Like all pilgrimages this one begins with a blast, a celebration - like a new start - refreshing and rejuvenating us to experience our own inner divinity!
Music acts as a bridge to cross from mundane to divine and to enable us to heal our souls and dance trully expresses our inner joy & contentment.
Progressive psychedelic Trance seems to be the new magical wave that the clubs in UK & europe are dancing to - so shua invites some of the finest dj's to play alongside some European acts to create a very powerful psycho active atmosphere at the much awaited Purple phase
Cafe Bolenath returns with its usual magic creating an ambient & baleric vibe leaving us chilled to our last nerves

Location - For location please call on the day after 6pm
Info line - 07931 385221
Full line up follows in next couple of days and check www.shua.org.uk

For stalls, art, healing and to generally get involved please
contact - info@shua.org.uk

Om namaha shivaya


Puple Phaze - Sat 15th March

A psychedelic celebration Of Indian Hemp & Colour Festival

Holi party

An Evening Filled with psycho-active atmosphere

Mr Biscuit aka Andrew Humphries

(Catch Him Live every Thurday 8:00 pm on Interface radio)

Tim McGregor(Liquid Connective)

Akindo(Cosmixed Society, Denmark)

Chris Organic(Organic Records)

Aphid Moon(Dragonfly Records)

Patsy (Liquid Connective)

Live visual Performances By Circuit VIII

Intelligent Light show By Liquid L-S-D

Cafe Bolenath by Entropy, Little Green Man, Thomas & flatmate Simon creating dubby, ambient & baleric spaces with live acoustics & Cinema

Bhang Lassi, Drumming & Decor By Prang Fairies

Fluoro Market, laughing Gas, face Painting & Magik Chai

To get involved - info@shua.org.uk

For Location Please call on the day after 6pm

InfoLine - 07931 385221

bom Bolenath


decor by Prang fairies & Liquidrops


07931 385221


07931 385221

website: http://www.shua.org.uk

Underground location

Central london London

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