ONG National A.I.D.S Festival

City Gathering

Author: Brealey
Date: Dec 19, 2002
Views: 2403


Plaza de la Cultura.
San Jose, Costa Rica.

On November 29, San Jose bounced in Psy Trance tunes on the ONG National Aids Day Festival. Dj s from Costa Rica, Mexico and Italy were the ones who invited all the downtown citizens for a little dancing.
This type of event only happens once a year, it is organized by ONG’s in order to bring the youth a higher conscience about HIV and all the related.

People from all around the metropolitan areas and tourist got together in Plaza de la Cultura, a very common place for everyone who has visited or lives in San Jose. The music lasted almost 6 hours and at the end, the crowd begged for more…..
DJ Prophet-Brealey-Ali played a versus during the night. Howell,Spyral,Parra, played the afternoon.
These images show how a small hidden country like ours is dancing the trance culture. Please receive a warm tropical hug from Costa Rica. PURA VIDA!!!

Going crazy!

A three way par on the mix!
Tweak it up!




Article by Brealey

Photos by A. Del Vecchio

Edited by Gerardo(prophet)


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