Czech freetekno party ended by police assault.

Author: datamining by freeminder
Date: Aug 2, 2005
Views: 2898

In an series of hostile and irrational actions the Czech police ended
the Czechtek 2005 freetekno festival.

Czechtek 2005 is the 12th annual freetek party in open nature. This
year\'s self-organized freetekno event met unusual hostility from the
Czech police. Starting the morning of Friday, 29th July, the first
soundsystems and visitors gathered on a legaly rented land near the
city of Milec. In the morning hours the police blocked the exits from
the higway D5, causing an 8 kilometres long traffic jam. According to
eyewitnesses, the police officers were trying to stop people from
exiting the highway towards Milec based of their looks. Around 150
people sat on the highway requesting that they are allowed to continue
their way to Milec. After 6 hours, following an ultimatum, at 13.00
the Czech police used water-guns and heavy force to clean the blocked
highway. Abandoned cars were pulled away. The police continued to
block the highway exits, as well as several ways around Milec.

The official police statements said that the legal contract between
the owner of the land on which Czechtek 2005 should take place is
invalid. The Czech Minister of (wrong: Justice) Internal Affairs
Frantisek Bublan of the social-democratic party CSSD, stated that the
contract is invalid and that the owner of the land revoked it. Later,
Friday the contract got into the media, as well as several interviews
with the legal owner of the land, confirming his support for the event
and the validity of the contract. Following his statement the Czech
Senator Jaromír �tetina and the Czech Green Party requested that
Minister Buban stops the raid against citizens of Czech republic which
have not commited any crime by their gathering on a legaly rented
land. Nevertheless police continued to block the area without reason.

During night several thousands of visitors managed to pass the police
blockage, leaving their cars behind on the roads. The Czech police was
getting reinforcements from Pilsen, coming by vans and buses. Saturday
morning the free techno party was having 5000 visitors and around 300
cars that managed to get on the place. The soundsystems started to
play music.

The Speaker of the Czech police stated that the visitors damaged
neighbouring lands while trying to pass their blockage. The landowners
filled a legal complaint against the organizers of Czechtek 2005. The
citizens of Újezd pod Primdou, a small town near the place of CT 2005
signed a petition and handed in to the main Police Commander
requesting that the participants are allowed to continue their way.
The streets of the city were filled up by cars and people who failed
to go through the police street cordons.

The police redirected cars comming from Germany to the border in
Rozvadov to other border crossings. According to police statistics 105
out of 249 foreigners were turned back on the borders on the base of
\"colored old cars, haircuts and tatoos\". The highway D5 was closed on
both sides between 128 and 135 km.

At 16.25 the police requested that the 6000+ participants leave the
gathering otherwise a police action will follow. The assault started
at 16.30 supported by around thousand riot cops massively using tear
gas and trying to push the visitors out from the place. The assault
was answered by throwing of various object at the police cordon and
people shouting \"gestapo\" at the policemen. According to eyewitnesses
the police used water to damage the soundsystems and unconfirmed
messages speak about the usage of gum projectiles and frequency
jammers to disprupt the mobile networks in the area. The \"shadow
minister\" Ivan Langer sharply criticizes the police assault saying
that it\'s a political decision imposed by the Prime-Minister Jirí
Paroubek (CSSD). On the weblog of Czechtek a request for solidarity
was posted asking people to join a demonstration in Prague at 19.00 in
front of the Ministery of Justice. The police assault ended around
19.20 (before the evening news) resulting in 50 injured people both on
the sides of police and the participants. The organizers of Czechtek
2005 stated that they are going to appeal to European Court for Human
Rights in Strassbourg.

The second wave of police assault started around 21.00 with the goal
of pushing out the remaining people. The brutal and irrational assault
and police hostility are attributed to the government leading party,
CSSD (social democrats), and are viewed as a residuum of Communist
thinking as well as a populist attempt to get some attention before
the coming elections. The so-called democracy in the Czech Republic as
well as a \"borderless\" vision of the EU manifested itself in a
xenophobic attempt to supress a manifestation of a freetekno

see photos:

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