For a Future Without War – Creating Perspectives for Peace

Author: Tamera
Date: Jun 2, 2005
Views: 2723

Summer University in Tamera/Portugal - 25. July - 04. August 2005

For a Future Without War – Creating Perspectives for Peace
Summer University in Tamera/Portugal

25. July - 04. August 2005

This year’s Summer University has two main focuses:
Creating a network for a global peace initiative and preparations of a political pilgrimage to Israel/Palestine in November 2005

A future experiment for the implementation of the global peace village model \"Solar Village\".
The Summer University is the last big preparation meeting for a three-year future experiment (“Monte Cerro”) in wich from May 2006 on a replicable model for a Peace Village is to be built up. At its centre stands the Solar Village, a model settlement that can be realised in a mainly autonomous form and with regional means - with the help of newly developed solar technologies, permaculture, water supply, natural water purification and an architecture close to earth. Together with the social experience of Tamera and it´s human peace research it could become a pilot model for a nonviolent civilisation. During the Summer University this project will be shown in all its aspects. For “Monte Cerro” we are looking for more co-workers, particularly specialists in crafts, ecology and technology.
The second main focus is the expansion of an international axis of cooperation for globalisation of peace. The next action is a political pilgrimage in Israel/Palestine in November this year. Above all we invite journalists and media workers in advance to cooperate with us directly on questions as: What media, what contents, what kind of journalism is appropriate to bring public interest to the activities of the peace movement?

Speakers are:
Dieter Duhm (author and initiator of the Plan of Peace Villages)
Sabine Lichtenfels (author and co-founder of Tamera
Yves Gugelmann (Youth Peace School)
Benjamin von Mendelssohn (project \"Peace Village in Middle East\")
Jürgen Kleinwächter (physicist and inventor of the Solar Power Village, Lörrach)
Manitonquat (community-founder and spiritual leader of the clan of the Wampanoag-Indians.)

Groups and individuals from Israel/Palestine, India, Colombia and other countries are expected. Among them Gloria Cuartas and two representatives of the Peace Village San Jose de Apartado (Colombia) and Max Lindegger (Crystal Waters, Australia).

Further information:
Tamera - Healing Biotope I; Monte do Cerro; P - 7630 Portugal; ph.: 00351 - 283 635 -306; fax: -374;

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