Ziohm Tribe Festival Cancellation

Portuguese / English announcement

Author: Roberdo
Date: Apr 16, 2010
Views: 1476

Cancelamento Ziohm Tribe Festival

Com enorme tristeza, viemos informar que, em decorrência de graves problemas pessoais envolvendo membros da organização do Ziohm Tribe Festival, o evento que seria realizado entre os dias 22 e 27 de julho de 2010, na Chapada Diamantina/BA - Brasil, foi cancelado.

Lamentamos enormemente o incidente e pedimos sinceras desculpas a todos os parceiros e amigos envolvidos com o Ziohm Tribe Festival, e a todos aqueles que acreditaram em nosso projeto.

Desejamos que nossos ideais continuem vivos dentro de cada um e em todos.
Melhores dias e novas oportunidades virão!


Ziohm Tribe Crew



Ziohm Tribe Festival Cancellation

Dear all,

We deeply regret to inform you all that serious personal problems involving members of the organization of the Ziohm Tribe Festival are preventing us to promote the event which would be held in July, 22 to 27, 2010, in Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this cancellation may cause to you. We apologize to all our partners and friends who got involved with the Ziohm Tribe Festival and to all of you who believed in our project.

Our ideals will remain alive within each one of us.
Better days and new opportunities will come.


Ziohm Tribe Crew


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