Luna Design

Author: Dea
Date: Sep 6, 2008
Views: 4625

Luna Design was created in 2000 traveling through Australia. Since then we have developed our own style of funky fairy wear! We like to be original in our Designs and to create unique and cozy clothing for anyone who cares! Believing that quality makes the difference!

Luna Design was created in 2000 traveling through Australia.
Since then we have developed our own style of funky fairy wear!
We like to be original in our Designs and to create unique and cozy clothing for anyone who cares!
Believing that quality makes the difference!

We work with different fabrics which we choose with care, quality being the keyword.
Mostly used are Fleece, Toweling and Lycra. Combined you have the perfect outfit for any occasion, at any time of year.

Our collection is mostly for women, all though this year we proudly present a small collection for the little fairies. As well as a few designs for men.

We work with a small home factory located in the rice fields of Java, Indonesia.
We like to keep the people happy, and do our best to meet their requests and needs at any time.
By wearing Luna Design you help us support them as well!

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