Boom Festival 2008 Panoramas

Author: c1audio
Date: Sep 1, 2008
Views: 3148

Flash based VR-Panoramas of the Boom Festival area.

I made these fotos at the boom. A friend of mine glued them together to panoramas and created flash movies, which you can access trough the links below. He did not want to be mentioned by name because he made his job quick quick and was not satisfied with the result. He is a panorama geek. However, I think, the panoramas are great and give some exclusive impressions of the festival.

If you click on the link, a new window with a flash movie will open. You can use the mouse/scrolwheel/cursor/control/shift keys to navigate. Or simply do nothing and be a little patient. The panoramas will start to rotate after a few seconds.

Enjoy it...

  1. Inside the Mainfloor I
  2. Mainfloor from outside
  3. Lake view from the tent area
  4. Top of the hill view / scary face
  5. At the beach
  6. Almost in the lake
  7. Inside the Mainfloor II (credits: Alex604)


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