Portugal Summer Guide

Author: Ana Vinhas
Date: Jun 4, 2008
Views: 3830

Enjoy the summer in laid- back & sunny Portugal! A guide by Ana Vinhas

Portugal Summer Guide


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Time Zone
Languages Spoke: Portuguese
Electrical Plugs
220V 50Hz



The Iberian Peninsula has been occupied for around 500,000 years.

In the 15th century, Portugal entered a phase of overseas expansion due to the efforts of Prince Henry the Navigator. Mariners set off to discover new trade routes and helped create an enormous empire that, at its peak, extended to India, the Far East, Brazil and Africa. Portugal's last overseas territory, Macau, was handed over to the Chinese in 1999.

In 1755, someone in Lisbon broke a bathroom mirror as a black cat crossed their path while opening a new umbrella. The city was subsequently destroyed by three major earthquakes, tremors, a fire and a tidal wave.
Revolution of the Carnations, a nearly bloodless military coup on 25 April 1974.

Entry into the European Community (EC) in 1986 restored some measure of stability, which was buttressed by the acceptance of Portugal as a full member of the European Monetary Union in 1999.

The year 2005 was similarly catastrophic. Portugal witnessed the worst drought in living memory in most of the country; it devastated agriculture and slashed the sector's financial projections by 35%.

Socialist José Socrates took the prime ministership at the 2005 election after the previous coalition government had burned through two PMs in the one term. Socrates inherited a familiar raft of problems, including ballooning budget deficits, rising unemployment and stagnant growth. The 2004 enlargement of the EU hasn't helped, as countries with much lower labour costs have overturned Portugal's former competitive advantage.

However, taking over the rotating EU presidency in 2007, Portugal planned to focus on deepening relations between Europe and Africa, fully taking on political responsibilities among its former colonies.



Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês - North of Portugal

A unique set of ecosystems that protects a highly endangered way of life.

"Spread across four impressive granite massifs in Portugal's northernmost reaches the park encompasses boulder-strewn peaks, precipitous valleys, gorse-clad moorlands and lush forests of oak and fragrant pine." @ LonelyPlanet.com


Bus: from Braga & Arco de Valdevez
Tel: 00 351 258 452 250 (info)

Algarve - South of Portugal

This area is a holiday heaven with continuous sunshine, natural bays, dramatic cliffs and warm seas.
Place to visit: Faro, Sagres, Lagos, Parque Natural da Ria Formosa, Tavira, Monchique and Silves.


Lisbon - Center of Portugal

"Lisbon is the city for fado , funiculars, feasting and frolicking. Lisbon's position on seven low hills beside a river once lured traders and settlers, and it's still a stunning site. Add to that its cultural diversity, laid-back feel and architectural time warp, and you have one of the most enjoyable cities in Europe - and also one of the most economical. At Lisbon's heart are wide, tree-lined avenues graced by Art Nouveau buildings, mosaic pavements and street cafes. Seen from the river - one of the city's many great viewpoints - Lisbon is an impressionist picture of low-rise ochre and pastel, punctuated by church towers and domes." @ lonelyplanet.com





Travel and Accomodation Information

You can jet in from overseas to several airports in Portugal:

Aeroporto Sá Carneiro - North of Portugal
Aeroporto de Faro - South of Portugal
Aeroporto da Portela - Lisbon, capital and Central Portugal

If you're coming in from neighbouring Spain then bus, train or car/motorcycle will suit you just fine. If time is a consideration, your best bet by public transport is the efficient bus system. The train network is slower but more relaxing. Hire cars and planes are both expensive propositions.

You have more informations at the following sites:

Eat and Drink

Portugal´s love to the ocean has also shaped its kitchen: Its all about sea food! You will find nearly everything that swims in the ocean on the menue. Grilled fish, gambas or octopusses are wide spreaded. A classical is sardine in many different preparation forms. But also meat is very wide spreaded in Portugal- actually in country areas you will hardly find any vegetarian dishes. But no worries: There are large offers of fruits and vegetables on the markets. Grilled chicken is another wide spreaded meal which is pretty cheap but very delicious. After a dinner do not miss a Pastéis de nata, a custard pie which is also typical Portuguese!

Concerning drinks Portugal offers some really good wines and of course the famous port wine which is a mixture of wine and brandy- very sweet and really pushing ;) Beside that you will find some really good beers, Sagres and Superbock are most spreaded.


Festival and Party Hints


1,5,6 Rock in Rio Lisboa
28 Super Bock Super Rock


3,4,5 Super Bock Super Rock
4 Flow Deluxe Party
10, 11, 12 Optimus Alive
18,19, 20 Delta Tejo
17, 18, 19 Marés Vivas
31 Paredes de Coura


31, 1, 2 Festival Anti Pop
1,2,3 Paredes de Coura
6 to 10th of August Sudoeste

11 to the 18th Boom Festival


Article by Ana Vinhas

Support by Roberdo

Pictures by bigeoino ,wili_hybrid , mindcaster , harrygatty & roberdo

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