Author: gandulk
Date: Mar 13, 2008
Views: 2225

Almost 8 years for one of most renowed trance bands on Mexico...


Almost 8 years for one of most renowed trance bands on Mexico. Grate pioneers innovating withing progressive-trance scene when full on was the most common style in Mexican parties. By the ending of 2001, Ojos And Gandulk fuse under a new name "Trancemission" with the idea and the mission of taking trance to every corner of the country, they played their live for the first time on a small private party with Dj Pena and Morphem, both giving grate heartening comments about their music.
By 2002 , they formed the alternative music collective "Nebular Hypott" that has been a grate support for many artist onthis genere and until now has launched 3 free and easily approachables compilations for all the public and a fisic chill out disc.

By 2003 , the name of "Trancemission" gets well know around all national territory and tours begin inside the country; they stepped on many states such as Tampico, Queretaro, Monterrey, and Puebla and many clubs in Mexico city having grate reactions on the public
By 2004 , they meet Anibal a.k.a. Aximy and get joined to lounch the first progressive-trance compilation on Mexico (Irreversible - Aximy Rec) which is 100%formed by mexican electronic music. This disc was done and masterized on trancemission studios.

By their way, this same year, Gandulk and Odiseo launch their first internacional release on Tatsu Records, from Germany (Dia de Muertos - Ground Grooves - Tatsu rec) track that was played next year in almost all European summer festivals.

2005 , Irreversible`s succes takes Trancemission almost all over mexican republic (Tlaxcala, Queretaro, Tampico, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Acapulco, between others) and they begin to alternate whit grate names of the international scene, such as Infected Mushroom, Beat Bizarre, Tegma, Ticon, Pop Stream, Pixel, and more...) By the ending of this year, they made their first presentation out of the country, in "La Antigua, Guatemala" a party that leaved its mark on every person of the public.

They worked with other mexican artis as Xibalba, Jey&Ex, Ecliptic, Odiseo, Hamelin, Vedant, Innermind and others.
Ojos lounched his first internationalrelease in this year too ( Electrodomestico - Duda - Solarsiv Rec, Italy)
2006 was undoubletly one of the best years for Trancemission they joined whit Iboga and Iboga Mexico this was a boom for them, and they were invited to almost every party that was produced in Mexico , now finally stepping on the last corners of the country where trance is heared (CanCun, Chiapas, VillaHermoza, Tlaxcala, Xalapa, Poza Rica...) alternating with the best Djs and proyects of the moment (Mapusa Mapusa, Yotopia, Behind Blue Eyes, Antix, Ace Ventura, Phony Orphants, Emok, Reefer Deecre, and others..)with exelent comments and crazy dance floors.

The Aximy rec . second compilation its launched in this year too (Irreversible 2) together whit Iboga Mexico rec first compilation (Tabernante 2 ) both having grate succes . Also in this year Guatemala its visited saecondly, and for the first time, El Salvador.

2007 , they start sending more tracks for international records, and made a track remix for Behind Blue Eyes making their way on the international scene.

Second and third Iboga Mexico compilation came out in this year ( Superstitions and Switch) having a grate contribution on these ones. A 3 track digital Ep comes outon sale too(Trancemission - Moove your Body) on beatport, one of most visited music cyber-shops al around the planet, and in the other internet shops too.
In this year, Trancemission has its first tour to southamerican lands, Brazil, have they presented their music having grate acceptance into the "Galera Carioca", ensuring their place on the next tours to that beautiful country.
And finally, in this year too, Ojos and Ganduk started prepareing their Album Debul which will be their first complet worck and a dream fro them. And in 2008, they are invited for the first time to a festival in Europe, the Spirit Base Festival (Austria) in wich they spect too be this summer.

They are Head-Linners of the parties that are produced in Mexico, something that they are proud about .They finished now their album "Mission One - Obsession" wich will be on sale for this summer under Iboga Mexico signature a disc that has grate spectation.

For Contact with Trancemission MSNs:

There you have alist of trancemission , Ojos and Gandulk releases and some other proyects:

-Trancemission feat. JACA - Remixon Cruzon - Sonic Waves (Shivlink Records)
-Gandulk vs Odiseo - Hold Me - Sonic Waves (Shivlink Records)
-Trancemission - Groovie Tuesday - Progressive Goa Trance vol.6 (Y.S.E.)
-Trancemission feat.SAEG - Forget About It - GOA vol 23 (Y.S.E.)
-Trancemission Vs Jiser - Sato De Su Pinch-Deep Flow Mexico (Soultribe)
-Trancemission & Mango - Funky Dirty Robot - Mind Scape (Elektrosounds)
-Mandulk Vs Ojos - Mango Angry - Mind Scape (Elektrosounds)
-Trancemission - Fill in - UNO (Web)
-Trancemisison - Groovy tuesday-Switch-(Ibogamexico)
-Trancemission - Obsession - Crossing Borders (Wakyo.rec)
-Trancemission - Punto y Aparte - Moove your body - digital ep-at (beatport/iboga)
-Trancemission feat. SAEG - Forget About it-Moove your body - digital ep-at (beatport/iboga)
-Trancemission - Obsession - Moove your body - digital ep-at (beatport/iboga)
-Behind Blue Eyes - Excerpts from Dreams (Trancemission Rmx) - Copenhagen (Iboga Rec.)
-Trancemission feat Jey&Ex - Mexican Jumping - Only by Promotion (NebularHypott)
-Lippsinc - Funky Town (Trancemission RMX) - Only by Promotion (NebularHypott)
-Ojos & Jiser - Deia Groove - Only by Promotion (NebularHypott)
-Gandulk Vs Odiseo - The Game - Superstition (Iboga Mexico)
-Trancemission - Todo Funk - Superstitions (IbogaMexico)
-Trancemission feat Inner Mind - Thinnervission / Tabernanthe 2 (IbogaMexico)
-Mandulk - Shape - Nebular Invita (NebularHypott)
-Trancemission & Mango - LSD dreams - Nebular Invita (NebularHypott)
-Gandulk vs Hamelin - Xilitla - Nebular Invita (NebularHypott)
-Gandulk Vs Odiseo - deeper emotions - Irreversible 2 (Aximy Rec)
-Trancemission & Nitro - Nitromission - Irreversible 2 (Aximy Rec)
-Gandulk - Relax - Pixan (Synergetic)
-Trancemission - gandulk beats - Irreversible (Aximy Rec)
-ElectroDomestico - la otra fase - Irreversible (Aximy Rec)
-H20 - No le toque Irreversible (Aximy Rec)
-H20 - Fuzzy / Irreversible (Aximy Rec)
-Hamelin Vs Ojos - Hidrochilido - Irreversible (Aximy Rec)
-UnosFonks - girl conkistor - NebularHypott Friends (NebularHypott)
-Trancemission & Galaxyan - NebularHypott Friends (NebularHypott)
-Ojos - loose FreecuenPsy - NebularHypott Friends (NebularHypott)
-Electrodomestico - Duda (Ojos Short mix) (Soul Tribe)
-Gandulk Vs Odiseo - Dia de Muertos - Ground Grooves (Tatsu)
-Ovnimoon vs Trancemission vs Mandulk - Todos (Synergetic Rec.)

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